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It was the week before Peter and Y/n's Senior Year and y/n and her dad went school shopping while Peter and may went school shopping. They got the basics clothes, supplies, backpacks, ect.

Y/n and her dad were sitting in the car and y/n pulled out her wallet and started counting the money she had been saving up for the past few months

"With that kind of money you could've payed for all this stuff yourself" her dad joked in reality he liked paying for it

"I know dad but this is going to something important..." she replied with a smile

"Can you drop me off at one last store and when I'm done I'll meet you at the house?" She asked her dad

"Sure sweetie just be careful and if you want me to come pick you up I will" he told her and with that he took her to the store she asked him too

When y/n got home she texted Peter

Y/n: hey wanna have one last sleepover tmr for our last day of freedom haha
Peter: yeah I'd love too just lmk what time and I'll be there

While y/n was shopping she got two things and one of those things was something for her dad and she had wrapped it up perfectly

She stepped out of her room and headed to the living room

"Dad! Come here I gotta show you something!" She yelled to get him to come out of the kitchen

"Okay dear I'm coming" he replied and walked into the living room
She handed him the gift

"What's this ? I don't think it's my birthday just yet..." he laughed

"It's not for your birthday it's...just because" she smiled as he began to open

When he saw what it was he covered his mouth and sat down on the coach holding back tears

"Oh no! Dad I'm so sorry- it was meant to be sweet- I  I - didn't mean to make you cry" y/n stuttered as she sat next to her dad and hugged him

"No dear I'm not sad...this gift is beautiful- I wasn't expecting it thank you I love you so much..." he told her  and hugged her back

The gift was an oil painting of her, her father , and her mother playing monopoly at a park sort of like a picnic

The next day Peter came over to celebrate the last night they could sleep in all day and hold each other all morning

When he knocked y/n cheerfully opened the door

"Peter your here! Just in time for dinner, we made tacos !" She told him as she gave him a kiss

"Hey Peter welcome back ! I hope your hungry!" Her dad greeted Peter as he walked into the dining room

"You have no idea" Peter laughed

After they had dinner they all cleaned up and y/n's dad eventually went to go to bed

"Hey why don't you get the speaker and head outside I think we should dance!" Y/n said to Peter as she began walking up the stairs

"Oh- but it's raining?" Peter replied

"Perfect!" She didn't seem bother by the fact that it was raining so Peter did exactly what she said and got the speaker and headed outside and waited for her

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