Sweet Nothing (bonus chaper)

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Hello everyone I'm giving u some bonus chapters bc I reread this story yesterday and realized it's actually good so wanted to give you some more content enjoy!

No Pov
5th grade

It was peters first day at his new school. Now that he is living with his aunt May and Uncle Ben he has to start a new school. He was nervous but May was very good at making him not feel as anxious.

"Okay sweetie do you have ur lunch?" May asked
Peter nodded

"Alright kiddo let's go" Ben says and he and peter got into the car and headed to the school.

When peter saw it he got even more nervous as they parked in front of the school

"Listen kid, it's gonna be okay I promise" Ben said
Peter smiled and left the car and headed inside with Ben as they went into the office.

Peter was coming into the school on the middle of the year so everyone else seemed to be pretty well established here.

"Hello miss, I'm here with Peter Parker. It's his first day" Ben said

The secretary and Ben were talking but Peter zoned out looking at the place in awe

"Alright peter good luck" Ben said as he hugged peter and left

The secretary explained to Peter how his day was going  to go

"This is y/n y/l/n and she will be showing you around for today! If you guys need anything let me know"

When Peter heard that he looked at the girl the secretary was referring to and he was speechless. The prettiest girl he had ever seen was in front of him, to Peter this was the prettiest girl in the world.

"Hi I'm y/n! What's your name?" She said cheerfully
With a smile

And her smile was just as beautiful as she was

"Uh- I'm Peter...Peter Parker." He said shyly

"Let me show you around"

Y/n showed new kids the way around often as she was a trusted student so she had gotten pretty good at this. Peter would usually not pay attention to something like this but the way she talked has him intrigued. He wanted to be her friend and get to know her.

"Unfortunately we don't have any classes together but maybe next year! I'll cya around Peter ! Have a great day!" She said when she was done with the door she led him to his home room.

"Bye y/n" he said but she was already skipping off to her own class

From that day forward Peter had a crush on y/n

8th Grade

Peter was finally in the same class as y/n, though they didn't have an assign seat beside each other he did sit behind her.
With their close proximity Peter was hoping he'd finally be able to talk to her
And he did try but...either she was talking to her friends or the teacher would start the lesson before he was able to say anything.

Eventually Peter couldn't stand not talking to her so he wrote a note but the day he was gonna give it to her he heard her and her friends talking and it made his stomach drop.

"So he's a junior? That's awesome! Is he hot?" One of her friends said
"Yeah he's a junior, and he is very good looking. We just started dating though and he said to be quite about us so don't go telling people" y/n said.

Peter quietly ripped up the note he wrote and sulked in his seat quietly.

Couple months later

Peter sort of gave up the idea of y/n ever reciprocating the feelings he had. He still had a crush on her but he knew it would never lead anywhere.

Peter felt as though the atmosphere today felt weird, though he shrugged it off.

It was before the bell and peter was sitting behind y/n and listening to the conversation she was having with his friends

Though he tried to tune them out because he didn't wanna seem nosey today he heard something that made him feel awful.

"So how's was the date with u and Jordan?" Jordan was the name of the junior y/n had been secretly going out with for the past couple months

"Uh- idk...it was good I guess, lots happened" y/n replied

"Oh my god! Did u go to 3rd base??" One of her annoying friends asked and Peter saw y/n's head look down, not of embarrassment but in shame it seemed like

"Uh- idk.. I guess u could call it that- he hasn't told anyone about us not even if friends it doesn't make sense..." y/n said and it was clear she was upset but her friends clearly weren't picking up on it and were just gushing over the fact that she was with an older guy

Peter felt sorry for y/n and wasn't sure if he should or shouldn't do anything

Should he tell someone? Should he try to comfort her? He didn't want her to know he was listening

But the next day when y/n walked into the class there was flowers and candy in her seat

Which made her smile even if she didn't know who it was from

But to Peter it almost felt like she did because for every day of 8th grade that followed she would always tell Peter good morning

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