Champagne Problems

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Mentions of underage drinking please skip this chapter if you're not comfortable

Shortly after the news y/n and her dad went home
Her dad went into his room after hugging y/n goodnight

Y/n was about to head into her room but she decided to go to the kitchen first instead She grabbed a bottle of wine

She's had it before at dinner parties and such so it wasn't an unfamiliar taste and she began drinking it immediately as she headed to her bedroom

She had sat on her bed drinking wine straight from the bottle while music played quietly from her speaker

In all honesty this was the calmest she could've been
Though ever 20 minutes she would almost hyperventilate
She was still strong and she took this news better than most people would

As she began to take another sip her window opened and-

"holy shit! Spiderman ????" She exclaimed as the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man climbed through her window

At this point she was shocked and she tried to wipe her tears away to collect herself but right as she was starting to calm down at the fact that New Yorks vigilante was in her bedroom

The masked hero began to take off his mask
Oh my god how much wine did she drink?
Was what was crossing her mind but when she saw who the hero was she had almost gone into complete shock


He walked close to her

"I heard- well I- I know what happened I'm so so sorry" was all he could muster up
Before he even had anything else to say she hugged him so tightly he could barely breathe
But in all honesty he didn't care he hugged her back

As the whole night went on and all they did was hold each other while y/n cried
And peters heart broke at every gasp for air she made

He tried his best to comfort her and tell her reassuring things he wasn't sure he was very much help

But to y/n he was and the fact that he cared enough about to climb into her window and hold her made her cry even more

Time skip to Friday

Y/n hasn't been to school all week understandably
But Peter has made sure to stop by and visit her every day after school and kept her updated with everything

Peter was the only one who actually was there for her

Everyone at school had heard the news eventually but not one person beside Peter even asked if she was okay or even bothered to text her at all the boy she's only been friend with for two weeks has been there for her when the girls she's been close with since pre school didn't even send her a text

A lot had happened at school today for Peter
And by a lot that's just two things because let's be honest he's not very popular

The first thing that happened was in chemistry the teacher Mrs. Dawson pulled peter to the hallway

"Mr. Parker i was wondering how far you and y/n have gotten with your project and if you would like me to just exempt you both from the assignment or if you would like to just turn in what the top of you have already?" She asked him
This took Peter by surprise
Y/n and him haven't even talked about the project this past week
To be fair they were almost done so they didn't really need to but he wanted y/n to decide what they should do

"I'm not so sure after school I'll ask y/n what she wants to do and I'll get back with you on Monday" Peter had said to her which in all honesty was probably the most he's said to Mrs. Dawson since he was bitten by a spider

"Okay thank you Peter and please tell y/n I'm so sorry for her loss"

And with that he began walking to his locker but that led to the second event because as he was walking he heard the cheerleaders singing a little chant to promote the selling of prom tickets

"Step in line and let her know! You wanna go! Go! Go! To prom with her!"

That didn't even rhyme ? Peter thought to himself before he dropped in his tracks

Prom? Holy shit that's next week and his next step was a little embarrassing as he decided to get into line and buy two tickets to prom
As he was waiting in the long line he heard the cheer leaders talking

"Ugh I can't believe she's still not going to school she's so dramatic it's like god get over yourself she's so selfish"

Peter was horrified when he realized who they were talking about

"Literally like she needs attention so bad when my cat ran away I only missed two days!"

What the hell? Who did these  girls think they were
Was he gonna tell y/n ? More like how was he gonna tell her

Eventually he bought the tickets and then after school he headed straight to the store to by a big white sign
Blue, red, and black paint as-well as some paint brushes

When Peter got home he started making a promposal sign 

As he was making it he needed to make a quick call

"Hello Mr. Y/L/N speaking" your dad said on the phone

"Hey Mr y/l/n is y/n any where near you?"

"No? Son of you wanted to talk to she has a phone"

"No no I wanted to talk to you actually-"

"Okay Parker what do ya need? Oh no your not asking me for me permission to propose right?"

"No! No! Of course not but I do wanna ask y/n to prom and I sort of need your help.."

"Okay I'm listening"

Peter and Mr y/l/n had come up with a plan
Y/n would be dropped off at peters house to "continue working on the project" when in reality when she would walk into the door
Peter would be standing there with the promposal

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