Fade Into You (epilogue)

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Today was a hard day for Peter...graduation. The day he hoped to spend with y/n. The day that y/n should have been giving the valedictorian speech. The day y/n and Peter should've been celebrating together, but instead it was the day Peter was dreading knowing she never got experience it but for some reason he did. Sometimes he would lay awake at night and wonder why it had to be y/n, and how he would've much rather taken her place and have her experience the rest of her life. He saved lives everyday and he hated himself for not being able to save hers.

He felt that she could have been able to move on from him but he could never move on from her

When he woke up today the first thing he did was look at all the pictures the too of them had taken with one another. All the memories of the two. He thought about how short of time they were given and how it wasn't fair. Y/n was a beautiful person inside and out. Why were all the good ones taken so quickly Peter thought to himself

As he got ready for graduation he thought of y/n the whole time. May had been so helpful though out the whole thing. She knew what it was like to lose the love of your life and she wanted to try and help heal Peter as much as she could but she knew nothing could mend a broken heart.

She knew how much Peter loved y/n and she did everything possible to try and help him feel even a little better.

Especially today, when Peter and may left the house and headed to the school she told him, "do you wanna do anything special afterwards ?"
"Can we visit her...and then maybe go out to eat or something" he asked
May knew "her" was y/n
"Of course we can and we can tell her all about the graduation ceremony" may replied

When they arrived they saw y/d/n and May and him decided to sit with each other as they had both became friends and may have him advice on how to cope with the loss and did everything she could to help him

Peter went to go get his cap and gown on and find his seat

When may and y/d/n found a seat they talked for a few while they waited for graduation to begin

"I hate that I'll never get to see her walk across the stage...or down the isle" he told May
"I know...but I think they prepared a little something that might make you feel a little better" may told him
"You know, while she was in the hospital she told me about the promise ring you gave Peter for them... she told me that she hoped one day it would be a different kind of ring, she also made me promise that if anything happened I'd make sure Peter was okay...I think deep down she knew..."

"I wish they would've had more time together.." may replied

The graduation ceremony started with the principal saying a speech

"Hello everyone and welcome to the graduation for the class of 2023. This ceremony is also in honor of a very well known student, Y/N Y/L/N. Who had past away at the beginning of the school year...If she were here today she would have been giving the Class if 2023 valedictorian speech , but in her place we decided it was best for Peter Parker to take that title... so please welcome Mr. parker to the stage"

Peter walked onto the stage and went up to the podium

"Hello everyone...today is a day that we will remember for ever, and I want to give you all a speech that you will remember by telling you about the most remarkable person I've ever met."

Before he could even officially start he was tearing up

"Everyone here knows who y/n was. You might know about her because you were her friend, teammate, classmate, or maybe you randomly got paired up with her in one of your classes. Y/n was an amazing person, she cared about everyone else more than she did her self. She would do anything if it meant she was helping someone else. I know that if she were here today in this stage giving you a speech she would tell you something far more sophisticated and elegant than anything I could ever write. Maybe something about how she cared about every single one of you, because I know she did. She loved everything about everyone. Her heart was filled with so much love there was no room for hate. I hope y/n stays in your heart and I hope you all help continue to tell her story, even if it was a shortened one. Thank you class of 2023"

As Peter finished he walked if the stage and back to his seat

When he sat down he looked at May and saw both her and y/d/n crying
And though Peter tried to hide it he was crying to


After high-school Peter got into a college that was still close by and continued his studies he also told everyone he knew about you. Peter made a lot of friends but any time a girl would try to hit on him he would always deny their advances. He didn't wanna be anyone if he couldn't be with y/n

Y/n's dad never changed a thing about her room
He never sold anything and he kept everything the way it was left

Peter would often go to your room and look through some of your stuff one. The pictures, the items she had kept that he had given her, the different outfits she had worn. Of course her dad did the same thing. Her room was a great reminder of who she was.

Peter would visit her grave any chance he got. He would often sit their for hours and update her on anything going on in his life. He felt like sometimes she would respond and send him signs that she was still with him.

Peter, may, and y/d/n kept in contact all through the years and they eventually made a charity organization in honor of y/n and would host events and the three of them would tell all kinds of stories. Every Monday and Friday were days when y/d/n would tell stories about y/n's mom.

The money donated would go to research for Coronary Heart Disease and would also go to other families that also lost someone from it or needed help paying for the treatments.

No matter what tho Peter never let y/n be forgotten
There were even days where he would read pages from her diary to the people at the events.

Everyone knew the name Y/n Y/L/N

And everyone knew how much Peter loved her and how much she loved Peter

The end?

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