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~ Prom Day ~

It was officially prom day
Since Peter snd y/n made it official he's made sure to take her on plenty of dates such as going out for ice cream, night picnic on a rooftop, movie night, dinner, and they tried to go on a walk in the park but that was interrupted when spiderman had to go stop a bank robbery

It was Saturday so y/n took her time through out the day to get ready

She woke up to chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast in bed from her father
He knew it was a was a special day and he wanted to make it even more special which y/n appreciated

After eating breakfast y/n took a shower and brushed her teeth

Peter woke up to may knocking on the door

"Peter can I come in?" She asked

"Yes may" he replied

"Todays the big day! How are you feeling ? Do you have everyone your tux, the corsage, flowers, film for your camera?" She asked him she seemed more anxious than he was

"Yes may I have all of that and I am pretty nervous...she's just...perfect I feel like a fool" Peter replied

He was so infatuated with y/n now that their dating he still got extremely nervous around her and still tripped over his words when talking to her and she had Definitely made her mark on him not in a bad way more of like a golden tattoo

Back to y/n as she began doing her make up her father came in

"Hey sweetie how you feeling ?" He asked her as he leaned against the door frame

"Ugh I'm so excited! This might be my third time going to prom but this time it's with Peter and I feel so lucky he's so wonderful you know?" The way she talked about Peter was just how her father talked about her mother back when they were in high school

"He's a good kid that's for sure...you guys remind me of your mother and I"

"Really ?"

Peter was hearing the exact same thing from may

"She's a sweet girl you guys remind me of your parents Peter"


"Yeah, all you had to do was say the others name and everything would stop"

After listening to may peter also began to take a shower after eating a bowl of cereal and continued to get ready

Meanwhile when y/n was doing her make up she received a text

Flash: yo what's up me and Michelle wanna know if you and Parker wanna go with us to dinner before prom

Michelle was the girl flash had asked to prom which she thankfully said yes too

Before she answered she's called and asked Peter if he would want to he said that it would be nice so she quickly replied

Y/n: hey flash me and peter would love to join you and Michelle (congratulations btw) for dinner just send me the detes and we will see you there !

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