Every Summertime

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After prom summer came quickly and Peter and y/n spent every moment they could together and had lots of sleepovers, movie nights, dates, ect.
Sometimes they would even have double dates with flash and Michelle

Of course Peter and y/n had a life so there would be times were they couldn't be around each other and the distance wasn't ever bad
While y/n was away at a cancer research program her and Peter would FaceTime any chance they get

"Hey babe how's home ?" Y/n asked

"Good, crimes been low so that's good how about you how are things?"

"I'm glad to hear things are good for you, things here are good I'm so glad I'm actually doing something good for the world though I have been really nauseous lately which has kind of sucked but don't worry I'm not pregnant! I think it's just the food" they both laughed but deep down Peter definitely had a sigh of relief

The whole summer was wonderful and eventually near the end of summer y/n and Peter were on a date

The two were on a rooftop in the middle of the night and Peter swung them up there
They had a blanket and a couple of snacks which they had already ate and they were now laying on the blanket looking for constellations

"You ever notice how sometimes there are like no stars at night but then the next there seem to be more stars than there are sky" Peter asked y/n

"Yeah... I wonder why that is..." she thought to herself

"Rotational motion of the earth" Peter answered her question
They continued to lay on the blanket and Peter had his arm around y/n eventually Peter broke the silence and said

"Binary star..."

Y/n was confused so she asked "what?"

"Two stars that rotate around a common center of mass..." Peter explained

He didn't know why but that's just what came to mind as they were laying their

"You sure know a lot about the solar system...I didn't pay much attention to that" y/n said as she yawned and moved closer to Peter

"Hey y/n"

"Yeah Peter?"

"I love you..." Peter had been wanting to tell her that ever since prom night but had been to scared that it was too early but time goes by weird when their together
The couple of months they have been together seemed to be s couple of years to them he didn't know if it the appropriate time or if it was the right place but he knew what he felt

"I love you too Peter" she replied

Authors note

Sorry for such short chapters I really have just been doing filler chapters to build up the relationships between characters to make it feel a little bit more real and I also don't like to put events that aren't close together in the same chapter because I think it makes it feel like the time is going by way to fast

And would you guys like the link to the playlist I've created for this fanfic ?

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