My Tears Ricochet

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Y/n and Peter haven't spoken since the kiss and it was now Sunday
It's not that they didn't wanna talk it that they were too scared
What if it meant nothing to the other ? Or what if it was just a heat of the moment thing ? Either way they had both been pacing around their room waiting for the other to text them
Eventually y/n decided to make the first move nothing too bold of course

Y/n: Hey! It's been a minute, just wanna make sure we're still on for tmr night ?

The moment Peter heard his phone ring he had a mini heart attack  but looked at the message immediately
When he saw it was y/n he couldn't help but smile
The message was vague and it sort of made him think if the kiss meant nothing ? Had she just wanted to forget about it and stay as friends ? Of course why would she wanna be with Peter ? He decided to play it cool and reply

Peter: yeah ofc ! Cya tmr :)

Y/n's pov

After texting Peter I went to sleep but I was woken up by my dad at 4 am

"Y/n wake up it's your mom we need to get to the hospital" he said frantically
But I knew he was trying to stay calm i on the other hand was far from calm I was more in shock
What was going on ?

I didn't even grab my phone I barely remembered to put shoes on as me and dad ran out of the house and immediately drove to the hospital

When we got there the nurse was outside of moms room and when she saw us she walked up to us

"Hello Mr. Y/l/n and miss y/n" she looked down for a second
"In all honesty we don't think she has much longer...she most likely won't make it to the end of the day.. you can go see her though for as long as you need..."
Me and dad nodded
We were both teary eyed and walking in to her room and seeing a pale and small version of my mother broke our heart

She was sunshine and she was always happy and always doing something and seeing her like this was awful

"Hey..." she said as she tried her best to smile
I knew she knew she didn't have much time left and now i realized she's known that for a while

"Hey mom.... How- how are you doing what have you been up to?" I asked as me and dad went to go sit on the bed with her

Dad was laying right beside her holding her and I was sitting on the opposite side as she held me

"Remember when we took a trip to the Grand Canyon and the traffic was so bad that you're dad was so frustrated I had to drive...but- I'm such a bad driver that we almost ran over that huge animal and by the time we actually got there we were so tired we booked a hotel instead of actually seeing the Grand Canyon and  we just played a bunch of board games..."

Mother told that story which had happened only a couple years ago
Though it was random I knew what she wanted

"I'm going to use the bathroom" I left the room and instead headed to the gift shop hoping they would have some sort of game
And to my luck they did so I bought a couple

And when I got back and showed my parents the smile on their faces made my heart melt

We spent the next few hours playing monopoly, Jenga, and operation

After he'd finished I started packing  up the games and as I was putting them away
The machines connected to mom started making a bunch of noise and when me and dad looked at her to see what was happening she was out cold

Dad ran out of the room screaming for a doctor
He was crying and I think this was the first time I'd seen him cry
He would try to cry when I wasn't around and seeing him cry made me cry even harder

We both knew what was happening
And as nurses and doctors surrounded mom we were told to wait outside
Which we did and dad held me the whole time as we both cried

End of pov

The doctors eventually came out and told y/n and her dad the news

"I'm so sorry to tell you that due to how severe her coronary heart disease was there was nothing we could've done. But I know being here in her last moments meant a lot to her I'm sorry." The nurse said and y/n and her dad were left there

Stood in shock with tear stains on their cheeks

So much time had past it would now had been the time that y/n would usually be leaving peters house

He didn't know what had happened and after about two hours of waiting for her he figured she didn't wanna see him because of the kiss so while y/n was playing Jenga with her parents Peter was swinging around saving the city torn at the fact that y/n would never wanna speak to Peter again because of a kiss

But as Peter was swinging past the hospital he caught a glimpse of you and your fathers  face being told to step out of the room
And at the moment he he'd lost your mother

And he knew exactly what he needed to do

To do what no one did for him when he lost his uncle or his parents

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