About you

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Last night y/n and Peter had sex and when y/n woke up in his arms she felt happy
It didn't feel like just two teenagers who were horny and just so happen to be in the same room together
It felt meaningful and there was just something about Peter that made her heart surrender and Peter felt the same exact way

The whole morning they just layed in bed holding one another
Eventually though it was time to get up because may had texted that she would be there in an hour

So Peter got up and began to put a shirt and boxers on
"Do you wanna take a shower and stay for breakfast?" He asked her as he was cleaning up his tux from the floor

"That would be nice" y/n said as she sat up from his bed using the blanket to cover herself up

"But first come hear" she reached for him to sit on the bed with her

When he sat down she reached over to his nightstand and grabbed his camera

"What are yo-" Peter said but was interrupted as she held up the camera and said "Smile!" Which they both sit and she snapped the picture

You could tell they were both shirtless in the photo but you couldn't see anything
And when she put the camera she gave Peter a kiss and said "so you don't forget" and smiled
"I don't think I could if I wanted to" he replied and looked down but he stood back so and clapped
"Alright I'll get the shower ready for you okay? And you can pick out some of my clothes to wear" Peter told her
"Okay thank you Pete" she replied

While she was in the shower Peter finished getting dressed and started making breakfast
He didn't want her to feel as if it was just some one time meaningless thing
He also didn't know if she had ever done it before and if she hadn't he wanted to make it special and if she had done it before he wanted to make this time different and special as well
He never did it before but the romcoms he would see may watch always had the guy do something sweet the morning after

Peter made both their plates and made the pancakes look like a smile face with heart shaped whipped cream eyes and a bacon mouth with a side of eggs

And some extra pancakes bacon and eggs on the table if either of them wanted more or if may wanted any when she got home

When y/n came down the stairs in peters sweat pants and Star Wars t shirt of peters she was holding her shoulder and looked to be in pain

"Hey you okay?" Peter asked

"Yeah my shoulder and back hurt but I think we know why" she said with a smirk as she sat down

They ate breakfast and may eventually came home

"Hey kiddos how was prom?" She said as she walked in

Peter looked at y/n and said "it was really good"

"Yeah" y/n smiled in reply

Boy was she lucky to have someone as sweet and caring and thoughtful as Peter

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