So Highechool (Bonus chapter)

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Peters POV

Y/n and I were in my room working on a photo idea I came up with. "Can you look a little to the left?" I ask her and she does just that. With the click of my camera she asks, "good?" "Perfect" I reply as I step back from my camera set up. Y/n gets out of the pose and walks besides me and helps me put my equipment up.

"I love having a photographer boyfriend!" She says happily which makes me laugh. "I think no matter what my interests is you would be my muse" I say softly.

She looks at me for a second and pulls me into a soft kiss and when she pulls away she says, "I love you"
"I love you more"

After a few minutes we head out to get the photos printed. And as we're walking on the side walk hand in hand she asks "what are these photos for specifically?"
"A project for school actually. We had to create a photoshoot inspired by the 20's and after some research I landed on the idea of recreating some of Clara Bows iconic photos and I thought why have anyone else help me when I have you?"

"Wow Peter... i love hearing you talk about what you're interested in. The way your mind works is so fascinating to me. Plus doing her make up on myself helped me learned a few things" she laughs and I do to.

We get the photos printed and head back to my apartment and aunt May greets us. May loves y/n I think she sees her as a daughter and y/n sees her as a mother.

When we settle in my room I place the photos in a calculated collage to present for my class. "How does it look y/n ?" I ask her

"Very tortured, very poetic. I love it!" She smiles and hugs me from behind.

After a few hours we decided that she's gonna stay the night. Were lying in bed and I hear her soft snores.
I couldn't sleep for some reason and as I looked at the ceiling I had a random memory come into my mind.

Flashback - Peter's pov - sophomore year

I was sitting outside at a picnic table during Lunch. The jocks I guess you could call them were sitting at a table near me and I could hear them relatively clearly.

"Marry, kiss, or kill; Y/n Y/l/n, Chelsie jones, and Sophia hard lock?" One of them asks

I think  to myself "how could anyone choose anything but marry y/n?"

I wasn't the only one to think that as the guy who was asked said he'd marry her. My stomach sank. Someone who actually has a decent chance with her wants her. I never stood a chance

End of flashbacks

Younger Peter would probably go into a coma if he learned that in a couple years he will be laying in bed with the girl he had been in love with ever since he was a boy.

Y/n rustled in bed beside me, "why are you still awake?" She asks

"I'm not sure, I can't sleep I guess." I tell her honestly

"Spidey senses? Or insomnia?"

"Probably both" I tell her

"Peter can I tell you something?"

"Of course you can y/n"

"You make me Highschool. Like our relationship is what every girl dreams of having. I'm so happy and it feels like with you I'll be a teenager forever" though I can't see her I could tell by her voice she was smiling as she spoke.

"I know exactly what you mean. You make me feel the same. Y/n is it crazy to say I can't wait to get married ? And grow old together? And just experience the rest of our lives together and be happy?"

"Not crazy at all Peter. Not crazy at all" she says with a yawn

Future Peter

Reading through the pages of y/n's diary and reading that conversation it made me think. I guess y/n really got to be a teenager forever.

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