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"Sweetie are you about ready?" Y/n's dad called from the other room she quickly grabbed her back pack and said back "yeah give me a sec!"
With that they both got into the car and drove to peters
Her dad had a smile on his face and was bobbing to the music playing it was the happiest he's been since the passing of her mother which didn't happen long ago
"What are you so happy about dad?" She asked him as he kept his happy eyes on the road
"Oh nothing just have a good feeling about today !" He said cheerfully

They finally got to peters and as y/n got out of the car she and her dad exchanged their goodbyes

Her dad made sure to text Peter before they left so when y/n opened the door to peters house

She saw Peter in his spiderman suit with a sign that read

You already know I'm spider man so why not swing into prom with me ?

As she looked around she saw webs from Spider-Man's shooters and flowers everywhere snd there was even a spider web the shape of a heart

"Oh my god" was all she could say as she was in shock
Hell she had forgot about prom entirely

Peter was a little worried that she wasn't saying anything but his worry went away he saw her smile brightly

"Y/n ever since I saw you I haven't wanted to look at anything else...I really like you and I wanna go to prom with you- as...more than friends..." his voice cracked due to nervousness which resulted in her smile growing even bigger

"I would love to 'swing into prom with you' Parker"

She stepped closer to Peter and Peter put the sign on the table beside him

"Peter.." she said quietly with a smile
"Yeah?" He replied somehow quieter
"Will you be my boyfriend?"
"I'd love to be..."

And with that she pulled him into a deep kiss
Though they didn't want to when they eventually had to pull away Peter said "I have to sort of clean this up before may gets home but I can swing you or walk you home when I'm done" he kissed her one more time
And she said "let me help you" and they cleaned up the promposal

It was now Monday and y/n was now going to school after not being there for a week though she was a little nervous but she had Peter
So as she was walking to school she picked Peter up first
"Hey!" He said cheerfully
"Hey Pete, so I've decided I want us to continue working on our project it's almost done anyway so it wouldn't be to much of a hassle" she looked at him while walking as she spoke
"Yeah okay but if you ever feel like you can't do it just let me know..." he told her and  held  her hand
"Thanks Peter" she smiled

"Also I'm going dress shopping with my dad after school what color are we gonna do?" She asked him

"Well I already know red looks good on me..." he joked

"I agree and red doesn't look to shabby on me either so I think that'll be perfect!"

Her smile gave Peter butterflies even now that their dating he just couldn't believe it

Y/n had found out about her cheer friends talking about her which Peter encouraged her she tell a coach which she did and the girls were punished and said they were sorry to y/n
Which wasn't great but it made her feel a little better but she kept her distance from them

At lunch Peter and y/n were at a picnic table chatting and eating lunch when flash came over

Peter groaned in annoyance

"Cmon flash not today..." Peter said as he figured flash would say some snarky comment about him and their relationship
Peter knew that flash had liked y/n but he didn't care that they were friend's because in all honesty flash was a really good friend to y/n he dropped by a couple of times last week when y/n was at home
And Peter knew y/n needed good people in her life so he didn't mind

"Parker don't worry I'm hear for a reason" flash said as he sat down with them

"Y/n I need your help.." this was weird to both Peter and y/n
"Yeah of course what do u need my help with flash?" She asked him curiously
"There's this girl that I wanna take to prom but..I don't know how to ask her...with out being lame" when he said lane he glanced at Peter which resulted in an eye roll from Peter and a chuckle from y/n

"Well you could do what Peter did and make a cute little sign and we can help you!" She said cheerfully

"Really you guys would do that ?" Flash asked
Y/n nodded and Peter mustered out an "I guess"

And they did just that
They created a plan that tmr during lunch everyone would be sitting in the gym and flash would tell the girl to meet him in their and when she would get in there she would see flash with a promposal in his hands with him and his team in uniform
The sign would read "let's have a ball at prom"

After school y/n went dress shopping and found the perfect dress in the perfect shade of red and she could tell when she left the mall that her dad was crying

"Dad..what's wrong- did you not like the dress? Was it too expensive?" She said trying to figure out why her dad was upset

"Oh no of course dear you look're just growing up so fast...soon you'll be leaving me to go to college and explore the's all happening so fast/ though the dress was a little pricey but anything for you..." he said with a smile at the end

Y/n stopped in her tracks in the parking lot

" never leaving you I promise" and she gave him the biggest hug

"And I'm not leaving you either..." he said back to her as he hugged her back

Authors note

I hope you guys don't think we're moving to fast
And I also hope your enjoying this series because I'm having such a good time writing it
I also want to say that flash and y/n are good friends and I'm trying to make this clear so it's set up write for future chapters
And also some daddy daughter moments because I love them

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