Sparks fly

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After cheer and visiting her mother at the hospital y/n began making her way Peters house to start their project

She kept thinking about how sweet he was while she was totally freaking out

She's been in the same grade with Peter since kindergarten
But she never really noticed him
He was like an extra in her movie that didn't have any lines

She kind of regretted that because he seemed really nice

Peter however has always noticed y/n
He use to have a crush on her back in elementary and part of middle school
But he got over it considering she was the popular cheer leader with a perfect life
And he was some dork who lost both his parents and his uncle and dresses like he's homeless!

But of course there were things that weren't known about the both of them

Eventually after what felt like forever y/n finally made it to peters house
And when she knocked on the door an older woman answered
"Oh hello you must be peters little lab partner! Or whatever it is your working on... I'm his aunt may please come in" she said as she stepped aside for y/n to walk in

When she walked in she took a moment to look around
The house was very much made into a home and y/n felt at ease for the first time In months

"Hello May I'm y/n y/l/n"

After the introduction Peter came down stairs

"Oh hey uhm you ready?" He asked

"Yeah where do u wanna work ?"

At this point may had gone off to go do something

And the kids decided to work in peters room

"Okay well we need to start brainstorming.. do you have any ideas ?" Peter asked

"Yeah actually, while I was visiting my mom me and her came up with an idea"

He looked at her sympatheticly

"So I'm sure you've seen that spider dude in the tights? Spider-thing? Spider-guy? Spider-boy? Anywa-" she began when Peter interrupted her
"It's spider man actually.. but you were close enough I'm sure he'd appreciate the effort" they both laughed and she continued the plan
"Well spider-man has a lot of cool abilities and my mother suggested that we do a study trying to figure out of it was something that could be replicated and maybe one day have multiple spider-things"

Peter liked the idea infact he liked it a lot
But would doing it possibly lead to him accidentally revealing that he was Spider-Man ? Did he even wanna know if there could one day be other spider people roaming around
But most of all he wanted to know her opinions on Spider-Man

"I love that idea , but Spider-Man can be sort of a touchy subjects... I mean some people hate him and think he's just some freak trying to... 'do the police's job-"
"Well those people are idiots! Even if he is just some freak in tights he's helping people! He's not trying to take over the job of our police officers, he's trying to help. It's clear he just wants to make New York a safer place and that's what's important..."
Peter was smiling at what she said

Though he was a little offended
He was also happy
The beautiful girl in front of him just defended (sort of insulted) his alter ego and it's moments like this that make him feel even better about what he's doing

Eventually after a few hours
Y/n and Peter decided to call it a night and as y/n was packing up she said
"So Peter we haven't really had the opportunity to really get to know each other, what are some things you like to do?"
He looked at her for a second
Why does she wanna know ?
Was she just being nice? Or was it a genuine question
He hesitated but answered
"Well... I uhm I like to take photos" he says as he looked in the direction of his camera and continued
"And skating is fun.. I'll do a little bit of drawing here and there and yeah..."
"Wow you seem so cool! Not many people at midtown actually have a personality..." they laughed and then she began again
"Can I see your camera?"  She started walking over to it
"Oh yeah of course" he replied watching her curiously
She picked it up and look at
She seemed genuinely interested in it and that made Peter smile "mind if I take a picture?"
He nodded
She smiled in return and turned the camera to face her and snapped a picture of herself
"There now you'll never forget who you did your chemistry project with Junior year!" She said cheerfully
"I don't think I needed a picture to remember" they both smiled
"Welp it's late I should get going, thank you so much for having me and honestly so far I've actually been having fun" she said to him as she began heading to the door
"Do you want me to walk you home!" He asked her
"No thank you I wouldn't want you to go out of your way, plus I've made this walk a thousand times before I'll be fine" she smiled and headed out

Unfortunately tonight she wasn't the only person walking this late
It had already been a decent amount of walking when a shady looking man was walking towards y/n
She felt that someone had been watching her ever since she left peters but she thought she was just being paranoid
The guy stopped right in front of her and said
"Don't move." He pulled what looked to be a knife out of his pocket
Only enough to wear she could tell what it was so she wouldn't get any ideas

This is not how I went to die

Is what she thought to herself

"Just give me everything you have that's valuable and you won't get hurt" the man said

She started to tear up as she began taking her back pack off which had her laptop and a couple other items
That he might want

Before she could hand it to him

Something or I guess someone landed right in between

Y/n backed away we when she realized who it was the thief said
"Spider-kid?" The thief took out his knife and pointed it at spider-man

"Oh come on ! It's spider- man and sorry but a small knife isn't really going to do any thing" Spider-Man replied

The thief tried to lunge at Spider-Man but Spider-Man's reflexes allowed him to defend himself and he ended up webbing the thief in 'hand cuffs' while the thief layed on the side walk in agony

Spider-Man turned to y/n and asked

"Hey miss...are you okay ?"

"Holy shit!" She replied

Which spiderman thought was out of character but he of course had to act like he didn't know this woman

"I almost died and then spider-thing saved me!" She took s breath and looked around kind of shocked and then looked back at spider man

"I'm okay yes thank you" she smiled

"Can I take you home? " he asked

She nodded as she moved closer to him and he wrapped his arm around her waist
She directed him here to go and they swung that way

Spider-Man's heart was warm and fuzzy while being this close and holding her
But unfortunately for Peter

So was hers.

Authors note

Hey everyone so I writing this in a  way that separates Peter and Spider-Man because obviously no one knows it's spiderman
Plus I think it's easier to imagine

Anyway I'm a writing machine at the moment
So I'm hoping to get another chapter out either today or tomorrow

This story will mostly be Peter as himself I just mentioned this so we could sort of see peters feelings for y/n development

Anyway thank you so much for reading I hope your enjoying it so far


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