Peter (bonus chapter)

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Authors note: in honor of TTPD I will be doing a couple bonus chapters based on certain songs from it

Peters POV
I was walking to the cemetery to visit y/n's grave. Something I did everyday. Some might say you're supposed to move on, but I never could. When I got there I placed the flowers I had bought earlier this morning down.

Usually I spend about an hour or two just sitting and talking to myself. I probably look crazy but I didn't care i knew y/n would want to hear what I had to say.

I told her about my day and how being spiderman never gets easier. If anything it's only gotten harder. I tell her that she's the reason I even continue to save the city. That I hate how I can save thousands of strangers but I wasn't able to save her.

My visits often end with me crying and a sad walk home.

Today when I got home i quickly ate then put my suit on and did my rounds as usual.

It was late when I got home around three in the morning. I took my suit off and collapsed onto my bed.
Something felt off tho. My spidey senses , which is what y/n liked to call them, were making me feel something.

When I shifted my body to face the rest of my room. As I was about to close my eyes again they shot wide open and I sat up straight.

How could she be right in front of me? What the hell? Is this some sick prank? Am I dreaming?

"There's my fearless leader" y/n says with a smile. She looks the same she did all those years ago. Maybe I was crazy. Maybe the mourning for so long drove me mad. Or maybe she never actually died.

"How are you-" I try to speak but my body is in utter shock.

I stare blankly at her my mouth agape as I sit still.

"Did I do something? Why are you acting so strange?" She asks

"N-no you didn't do anything...I- I'm just confused how are you here right now?"

"Why wouldn't I be? Haven't you heard of the goddess of timing?"

I remained silent and confused

"You never payed much attention in that class..." she said with a chuckle

"I miss you" I say finally

"You've grown up Peter" she said almost ignoring my comment

I looked at my window and saw the moon shining brightly into my room.

"I wish I could've saved you" I say with my head In my hands.

" did" I look at her with watery eyes

"I've waited for this for see you once more. Losing you was the worst thing that's ever happened to me." The loss of my life actually. My soul died the same day  she did.

"Don't think like have the most beautiful soul I want you to show the world that." She says to me

"So now you're a mind reader?" I ask her

"Only right now." She says softly.

"Is this real? Did you somehow survive and I didn't know? Or is this a trick someone's playing on my mind?" I ask more to the universe rather than her.

"Peter I need you to know this one thing before I go. Loved never lost when perspective is earned. So please be the person you were always meant to be. It's okay if you move on from me."

"Please don't leave me again." I beg and she puts her hands on my face and kisses me.

That's when my body shot up. It was a nightmare. I was sweating and breathing heavily. I dream of her often but that was something more. I look at the time and it said 5:34 but it was still dark. I couldn't sleep after that and after I thought about the dream for a while it felt like y/n was trying to tell me something.

So I walked to my closet where I stored a lot of junk and I grabbed my old camera.

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