Right where you left me

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It had been 2 weeks since y/n has been in the hospital

She had seemed to be getting better so her dad started going back to work and Peter would always visit her after school as she would do with her mother
And on the weekends he would stay the night at the hospital

Everyone at school heard about y/n being in the hospital
And it seemed like she had a new visitor every day
New balloons sent to her and a pile of get well soon cards

Her favorite visits were from obviously Peter and her dad as well as other family who had come to visit from far away but she also enjoyed when Flash would visit

He was always aggressively supportive and would always tell her that she would "kick this disease in the ass" to which she always laughed

Flash and y/n has been friends for years and she always felt like she got to see the real flash and not just the flash that everyone else had the not so pleasure of being around

And sometimes Michelle would tag along with flash but she would sometimes come in her own
Flash and Michelle were total opposites so the couple surprised everyone but Michelle brought of the best of flash

Another great visit was from Ned who y/n met on her trip to the cancer research program
They were lab partners and quickly became friends
Ned always brought a gift when he visited and would always tell her about a new project he was working on

Today though like usual Peter visited after school and told y/n about everything that they were doing at school and how the cheer team were having fundraisers to raise money for y/n's treatment so her father wouldn't have to pay all on his own and that almost made y/n cry

While Peter snd y/n were laying in the hospital bed with one another Peter said "you knew didn't you..."
Y/n sighed, "yes Peter..I knew"
"Why didn't you say anything?" He asked her as he held her tight
"I already had to see my fathers heard break once I didn't wanna to be the cause of ur breaking again...and I sure didn't wanna see you like that either...I've never been happier with my life and I didn't wanna me being sick to ruin everything- I thought that since I caught it early enough I'd be able to get treatment in private and it would be gone and no one know..." she told him as she started to tear up

"Hey..it's okay I completely understand...you'll get out of this though I promise and I love you so so much and I mean just look around at everything everyone has brought to you.. you're so loved by everyone and you've changed so many lives...you telling us wouldn't have ruined anything maybe it would've made thing's easier?" Peter told y/n

"Yeah maybe...I'm a little tired though so I'm gonna take a nap..it's late you should head home and get some sleep too" she told him

"Yeah it's pretty late...but I can't go to bed quite yet" Peter said as he looked out the window

"Okay Peter you go be spiderman" she told him
And as he began to step out the door she said

"Peter..I love you"

"I love you too" and with that he was gone

But unfortunately sometime in the middle of the night y/n's heart couldn't fight any longer

And her dad did the exact same thing he did months ago and cried for a doctor

And the doctors rushed in just like they did for her mother

The moment Peter heard he rushed to the hospital

And waited outside the room

When the doctor came out the two both stood up immediately

"I am so sorry to inform you that unfortunately y/n didn't make it...we aren't exactly sure what happened...her heart sort of just stopped...uh she had this with her though..." the doctor said as she handed her father a notebook

Wasn't just any notebook it was her diary


It had now been a couple of days since her passing

Y/n's dad decided to give the diary to Peter because he felt that it would be better if Peter had it and not him

Y/n's funeral was filled with people and lots of people has plenty of stories to tell about her

Peter and y/d/n didn't want the funeral to be depressing
They wanted it to be a celebration of her life and everything she had done

After the funeral those Peter decided to read the diary as it had seemed like she wanted him too
And he went to the rooftop where they said their first I love you to do so

When he opened it a piece of paper fell out
Peter un folded it and read the following:

Dear Peter,

I'm sorry I had to leave you so abruptly and I'm sorry we didn't get to have a future together. I hope you know that you were the best boyfriend a girl could have ever asked for. You made me feel safe, welcome, loved, and you never made me feel alone. I hope I made you feel even half as good as you did for me. Know Peter no matter what I'll always be with you. I think deep down I always knew this day would come, I just hoped we would have had a little longer. So In another life may we sit across the kitchen table and go over the grocery list

- forever and always yours,

Peter felt tears stream down his face. How could something be written so beautifully be so sad? How could he have saved the rest of the city but not have been able to save her?
He knew he couldn't dwell on it for too long or he would drive himself crazy so instead he opened up the first page of the diary and read

I walked into my chemistry class for the first time in two weeks

Authors note

I'm not crying you are !!!

This was such a sad moment thing to write but don't worry things aren't over just yet

I have two more chapters planned so don't worry the story will continue and hopefully end on a happier note

Anyway sorry for making you use a whole box of tissues :(

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