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After Spider-Man dropped y/n off at her house safely she texted Peter

Y/n : Hey Pete! Are we good for same thing same time tomorrow?

Peter : yeah ofc did you get home okay?

Peter knew the answer but she didn't know that
Plus he wanted to keep texting her

Y/n : yeah I got home fine thank you
Y/n : wyd ?

Omg she's making conversation
Oh no why does Peter feel like this ?
He can't like her again he spent all of middle school trying to get over her and now he's a junior
He can't possibly fold that easily?

Peter: nothing much just editing photos, you ?

That was only partly true he was actually looking at the photo y/n took on his camera peter wasn't exactly editing it He didn't think it needed it

Y/n on the other hand was making home made pizza with her father as a way to distract the both of them from worrying about mom and because they had been mostly eating take out and they thought it would be good to eat some real food

Eventually after having a long conversation it was light and they told each other

Peter: Goodnight :)

Y/n : Goodnight pete <3

Holy shit was that a heart ? Was it platonic and friendly or scandalous and romantic? Ofc it was platonic peter ! She's a cheerleader and ur just some nerd with a camera get a hold of your self

The next day at school y/n and Peter exchanged a couple smiles and waves through out the day and of course in chemistry they talked a whole lot not even just about the project but about everything

And they both left the class with goofy smiles on their face

As y/n was at her locker gathering her stuff she felt another presence

"So what's going on with you and that dork Parker" flash asked her

"What do you mean ? He's my chemistry partner" she replied confused

Her and flash were friends but he obviously had a crush on her and it was kind of known

"You know what I mean, there's a vibe there which doesn't make sense cause he's well a loser with a skateboard and you're" he said and she gave him an annoyed look

"Cmon flash he's more than that and he's my friend and I don't appreciate you talking about him like that"

Flash threw his hands up in defeat and walked away
Peter had heard this entire interaction and he couldn't help but smile
She really just defended him and she even sees him as a friend
This led Peter to skating home with a smile and looking even more forward to their work time later tonight

Thursday came around quickly and Peter and y/n had been talking non stop in school, after school, and gotten off topic a couple of times during working on their project
And it was now clear that they were intact friends

Today at lunch Peter was sitting outside looking through his photos that he's taken recently

"Hey!" A familiar voice said walking up and sitting across from him

"Hey y/n uh what's up ?" Peter said to her

"Nun much just wanted to spend my lunch with you today " she said cheerfully

They spent all of lunch talking with one another

And eventually the school day ended and Peter and his alter ego had a job to do while y/n headed to practice and then after wards to see her mother but after that she had one more too to make

Authors note

Hey everyone this was just a filler chapter and just trying to build up the relationship between Peter and y/n

Next chapter will be interesting and you'll get some action

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