Kiss me

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Y/n got to peters and knocked on his bed room door after saying hi to may

"Hey...didn't think you were coming..." Peter said shyly as she had been almost an hour late which he felt was odd but he also wasn't upset or anything due to the fact that her mother could have gotten worse so he didn't dwell on it
But she did show and he was happy

"Yeah sorry I was gonna text but my phone died I'm sorry I'm late I hate to get something... for you actually..." she said as she handed him a blue gift bag that was signed by her

Peter was flushed
Did she really just get him something ? What had he done to deserve this? What was in it? I don't know Peter open it or say something !

"Oh wow thank you what is it?"

Oh god he realized that was a stupid thing to say right after he said it
She walked past him and sat on his bed getting her stuff out as she said "well I think you should open it and find out"
He did just that and he took out
Film for his camera, a fancy note book, and some candy

"Oh my god how much did this cost you ?" He was worried about how much she had spend on the gift
Film for his camera wasn't very cheap

"Don't worry about it just enjoy it" she smiled

He didn't know what to say no one besides family has ever been this nice to him he didn't know how to react

"T-thank much" was all he could muster out

"You're welcome Peter"

After a few hours of working and goofing off y/n began to pack up and so did Peter

"Want me to walk you home again?"

"Yes please.."

Y/n had asked peter to walk her home these past few days after her attack
Peter being Spider-Man new what had happened but as Peter he didn't wanna pry so he never really asked and just hoped she's mention it

As they got to her house they both looked at each other

"Peter do you like football?" She asked

This confused him because of how random this statement was but he answered anyway "well my uncle and I used to watch it together so I guess so why?"

"Wanna come with me to the football game tomorrow? I'll pick you up and everything, of course I'll be cheering for parts of it but I promise I'll be able to hang out with you during the game too. You don't have to I just figured since we can't hang out while working on our project we could hang out at the game?"

Holy moly was this a date? Peter thought but of course he wouldn't ask that out loud

"Yeah I'd love too..." he smiled

"Okay cool I'll text you the details"

And with that she went inside and he became spiderman

Time skip - next day - before the game

Y/n : hey Pete we're almost at your place

Peter looked at his phone and saw y/n's text
He was excited even if they wouldn't be able to hang out with her the whole time he was still happy to be there especially since she invited him

When she arrived he headed out and made sure to grab his camera knowing there would be some great opportunities to get some photos for year book
And even some good photos of some good memories

He got into the back seat with y/n and looked at her in her cheer uniform with  her make up done and hair up she looked somehow even more gorgeous than before which he didn't even think was possible he must have been staring because-

"Is- there something on my face ?" She asked him

"What? Oh! No of course not your face is perfect! Well I mean- there's nothing on your face..." oh god this was going great already

Peter heard her dad laugh from the drivers seat and he felt even more embarrassed

After a long car ride they finally arrived at the school

"Bye dad! Tell mom  I said hi! " y/n said to her dad as she got out

And her and Peter began walking over to the bleachers

"So I get quite a few breaks as well we half time and stuff so I'll be over here a lot, but if you get bored don't feel obligated to stay I don't want you to be miserable" she told him hoping that he would in-fact have a good time and not want to leave

"I won't get bored I'll be here the whole time I'll look forward to your breaks" he smiled and his comment made her smile as well

"Oh and don't take any bad photos of me Parker I mean it!" She said as she walked away
And he just smiled knowing there's no such thing as a bad photo of her

Through out the game he took lots of photos  and got a really good one of her flying and she kept her promise when she said she would visit him through the whole game

They got popcorn and shared it during half time and even took a picture together

After the game they met up and as they were standing on the side walk

She turned and looked at him

"Peter this past week you've been the only person who made me feel like me again...ever since my mom has been in the hospital I've felt...I don't know but either way you've been so wonderful these past few days and I feel like I can really talk to you.. I don't have anyone else like that"

Peters heart broke when he heard that
How could the most popular girl in school feel so alone ? And how was he the one that made her feel better

He didn't know what to do so he hugged her and said
"I've kind of felt the same way... being around you makes me kind of forget about everything that's happened.."

As they pulled away from their hug


"Yeah?" He said quietly

"Just kiss me already..." she said even quieter

But that's exactly what he did

He kissed her and it was probably the most magical thing to ever happen to them but as they started to kiss in sync with one another  y/n's phone began to ring
Meaning her father would be there any second to get them

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