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Introduction would be after this chp so that you won't be confused. My third book and I'm excited for this one. Do read true love and twisted love too. Give your love to all the three books. Thank you. Let's get this!! BORAHAE 💜💚

Jungkook pushed aside the curtains of the windows revealing a rather sunny and bright day in winter.  A smile spread across his face to see the sun shine brightly at him after a long time.

His Sunday began on a bright note he thought. He stood with his eyes closed in the balcony of his bedroom on the 20th floor facing the sun. He let the warmth soak through him. Holding himself as he wrapped his arms around him, he took in a deep breath. A strange comfort could be felt in the air today. A feeling of being close to some loved one he thought. He remained there for a while all by himself.

After his return to Korea about a year back, Jungkook had settled down in Busan and stayed along with his in-laws and worked in one of the multinational companies. Being a single parent to his son, Chanyeol, he had to face many challenges. But he survived; he survived all the rough phases of life with a smile and lived for his son.

Life put him through many trying situations, but he triumphed each one and never ever complained about  it being unfair to him. That was Mr. Park Jungkook, age of 30, a single parent, confident and strong man.



"Channie! Look what Papa's got you?" Jungkook said cheerfully as he walked into his son's room with a tray of hit cocoa milk and some cookies for breakfast.

He kept the tray on his study table and turned to walk across the room and slid the curtains aside,  allowing  the sun to peer through the window. Chanyeol stirred from his sleep disturbed by the daylight encroaching his room and he quickly turned away to avoid the sun spoiling his favorite dream, the dream to play with his father someday.

"Wake up Channie", Jungkook persuaded as he picked up the toys lying carelessly on the floor in the room.

"Two minutes papa", Chanyeol pleaded sleepily without opening his eyes.

Jungkook went on to pick up the color pencils and his drawing book from the bedside table. He saw his drawing of 'my family', he picked the book up gingerly and watched it closely; he saw three figures smiling at him.

He recognized two of them immediately, to be Chanyeol and him, but the third figure he guessed it to be Chanyeol's father. It was not very clear as Chanyeol had a very blur vision of his father and Jungkook thought he was too small to understand anything about his father's absence in his life.

He only managed to convince him that he shall meet his father soon someday and that little hope kept the boy going. He put his best efforts not let the boy feel his father's absence. He'd attend his school events, join him and play pillow fight, tell him best of bedtime stories and the least he thought he could do for Chanyeol was he played cricket and football too. But despite his best attempts Chanyeol missed his father and all Jungkook could do was keep him positive about his arrival in his life someday. 

For now it was just his in-laws, Mr and Mrs Park and Chanyeol that meant family to him.

Chanyeol, a fairly smart kid for his age of five and a half was a bright child and very well brought up by Jungkook. His innocence and his craving to see his father hurt Jungkook a lot. He felt a stab at his heart each time he heard the boy ask about his father, but he never told him the truth as it would break the little boy's heart.

Eventually he would know the truth Jungkook thought.
He quickly set aside the drawing book and pushed the thoughts away and sat next to Chanyeol who slept soundly.

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