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"Oops! Papa", Chanyeol bit his tongue as he forgot that his father must be worried for him after his sudden disappearance.

"Where have you been? How many times have I told you not to run away like this without telling me?", a worried Jungkook walked past Taehyung without noticing him and squatted a little to reach up to Chanyeol's height and hugged him. He seemed visibly upset to notice anyone apart from Chanyeol.

When he had calmed a little, he realized someone's presence around. Jungkook immediately got up and turned around to see a man he knew, in a split second Taehyung looked at jungkook and immediately recognized him. Jungkook blinked twice to clear the tears blurring his vision, to see someone he had never ever expected to see in his life again.

''Taehyung!?'' Jungkook murmured and stood rooted to the spot. He was shocked to see Taehyung in front of his. A small pleasant smile played on Taehyung's lips while their eyes arrested. Everything came to a standstill and there was a prolonged silence between the two.

Millions of questions could be read in each others' eyes but there were no words to kill the prevalent silence. The time froze at that moment as after years Taehyung and Jungkook met once again.

"Hi!" Taehyung spoke up excitedly. His eyes sparkled to see Jungkook in front of him. He could feel this sudden rush of blood in his veins, his heart beat like never before. It felt like someone just breathed life into him. Strange as it seemed to him but he was diverted when Jungkook finally spoke up.

"ummm...Hi", Jungkook responded in a small voice. He searched for some distraction unable to look into his eyes. His mind still refused to register and believe the sight in front of him. He had long forgotten that Taehyung too existed on the same planet as he did and this accidental meeting of theirs is quite a possibility.

'Is it him?', Jungkook thought again 'or am I just assuming it to be him?' He closely watched Taehyung's left hand scratch his left temple before he spoke, a very old habit of Taehyung when he was confused or hesitant. 'Yes, it was him', he believed, after all it was he who had noticed Taehyung's minutest habits closely which were often unnoticed by many but not him.

Nothing has changed over the years Jungkook thought, he had just gained some weight which suited his Businessman persona quite well. His clean shave made him look rather more handsome than he already is. But there was one thing that disturbed Jungkook; he looked pale, uneasy and restless. His beautiful almond eyes looked as if they were searching for something or someone miserably and yes he looked more mature now, he sighed.

 His beautiful almond eyes looked as if they were searching for something or someone miserably and yes he looked more mature now, he sighed

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" good to see you after so many years." Taehyung finally spoke.

Jungkook smiled to acknowledge his excitement and asked formally, "How is everyone? Your parents?"

Taehyung sensed some difference in Jungkook, not physically for he was still the same delicate and pretty looking boy he had last seen. Dressed in a hoodie and black pant standing 5 feet 7 inches tall nothing really seemed different in Jungkook. Even today his beautiful doe eyes, now hidden behind a pair of spectacles were still the same. 'What is it that's different?', he thought to himself.

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