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"Sleep baby!", Jungkook tucked Chanyeol into bed and gently caressed his head till he drifted to sleep again. He went to his room and changed into his night clothes. It was half past eleven, but he wasn't sleepy at all. He picked one of his favorite books and settled down on his bed with it and began to read, but was constantly distracted by Taehyung's thoughts.

'It's not a dream I promise...' Taehyung's words echoed in his ears. He shut his book and leaned on the pillows, completely lost in the memories of the amazing evening he spent with Taehyung. He had never felt this desired and admired by anyone as much he felt today. All the time he unknowingly twisted and played with a hair strand a residual smile played on his lips each time Taehyung's words crossed his mind.


Taehyung tossed and turned as he lay sleepless on his giant bed. Unable to sleep, he got up and stepped out into his balcony feeling the cool air. He looked up at the shining moon and laughed recollecting his half said words to Jungkook. He was just about to confess his love when Chanyeol called out.

"Actually, I'd rather do this differently!", Taehyung murmured to himself and hurried back to his room. He pulled out a pullover from the closet and grabbed his car keys before he dashed out of his apartment. After having picked up certain things, in no time he reached Jungkook's apartment.


It was about half past one and suddenly Jungkook's phone buzzed to life.

He picked up his phone and read the text message he received from Taehyung. It read 'Good Night! And...'

Jungkook chuckled reading his message and replied 'And...?' He was suddenly feeling like a college going teenager while replying to his text messages but there was a different kind of joy he was experiencing in it.

After almost half a minute his phone buzzed to life again flashing Taehyung's name as the sender of yet another text message. He blushed reading the message that read, 'You are still up? Thinking about me?'

Finding all this very funny and unrealistic he laughed again. He did not want to reply further and so put his phone aside, but unable to sustain his curiosity, he replied back, 'And...?'

Taehyung smiled reading his message. He looked around him and checked once last again for all the efforts he had taken in a short time and was hoping that no one was wide awake at this hour peeking out of any window. He replied, 'Step out onto your balcony and look down...'

Jungkook read the message and squealed in surprise, he jumped out of his bed, throwing the duvet aside. He ignored the slippers below his feet and ran bare footed to the balcony door. He slowly slid the door open, letting the cool wind inside. He shivered as he took tiny steps on the cold floor towards the railing. He clutched the cold railing and leaned a little to catch a glimpse of the view below. He gasped in astonishment as he could not believe what he saw. Taehyung had lit 100s of candles that read
I 💜 U. Taehyung stood proudly with both his hands on his hips inside the little heart. He was looking up in the direction of Jungkook's balcony. Taehyung definitely could not figure out his expressions, but was certain that he had amazed the boy. The sparkling and shining candles glowed in the dark and not one candle was blown out, the wind had suddenly mellowed and the sight looked beautiful from the 20th floor, where he stood and saw.

Jungkook's eyes sparkled with the reflection of all the lit candles and brimmed with tears blurring the breathtaking sight in front of his eyes. His phone buzzed once again and he rushed to answer the call. He answered on the second ring but remained silent, letting his uneven breath and loudly pounding heart do the talking.

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