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Hello! I'm here again! Long chapter ahead! Let's get started!💚💜

"Channie?!'' Jungkook called out in a tense voice and ran into Chanyeol's room and sat beside him.

Jungkook rushed home soon after he received a call from Mrs. Park. He panicked when he heard Chanyeol was taken to the hospital and even after being assured him over the phone that  Chanyeol was fine, Jungkook refused to listen and he rushed home leaving his meeting half way.

"Channie, son open your eyes once, please, look papa is here", Jungkook warmly stroked Chanyeol's head and waited anxiously for Chanyeol to open his eyes and speak.

"Papa", Chanyeol said in a low voice. He struggled to open his eyes as he was still under the influence of medication.

Jungkook was relieved to see Chanyeol talk, but at the same time was disturbed to see him in pain, "Yes, bub.....papa is right here, don't worry okay?" He kissed his forehead affectionately and drew him closer. 

Chanyeol cuddled to him and spoke in a weak voice. "You know papa, today when the doctor gave me an injection, I didn't get scared."

"Really? And what made Channie so strong?", Jungkook asked curiously, gently caressing his head.

Chanyeol cutely smiled at his papa and proudly continued, "When the doctor brought the injection, taetae uncle held my hand tightly and told me that it would prick just a little, like an ant bite."

"Taetae Uncle?" Jungkook asked a little surprised as he least expected Taehyung to bring Chanyeol home.

"Yes papa, Taehyung uncle!"

"But didn't Yoongi Uncle take you to the hospital?", He probed.

"Oh... taetae uncle and Yoongi uncle both."


"And papa don't you also tell me the same thing when you take me to the doctor?", Chanyeol animatedly asked Jungkook who was taken back to such a moment with Taehyung.


"Ouch!'', Taehyung yelped in pain and slowly lay down on the small hospital bed in Dr.Kang's clinic.

"Who told you to go cycling early in the morning in this weather?'', Jungkook scolded but then cooled down looking at him in pain and comforted, "Ok I'm don't worry tae please, the nurse will be here with the painkillers and you will feel better okay."

Just then the nurse entered with a tray which she she set on the table, it had an injection too. Taehyung immediately looked at jungkook with panic written on his face and gulped in fear. He hated injections and was trying his best to not burst out crying in pain, anger and frustration. He silently pleaded Jungkook to request the doctors to replace the injections with tablets.

"Now, no more fussing! You get me." Jungkook warned.

Taehyung helplessly looked away and shut his eyes tight. He felt a warm hand on his and opened to see Jungkook holding it firmly. Jungkook smiled at the nurse and began to talk to Taehyung to divert his mind, "Tae is an ant bite painful?"

"Huh?", Taehyung was confused with such a weird question from Jungkook.

"I'm asking you something...Is an ant bite painful?"

"No!", Taehyung grunted and continued in frustration, "But kookie...but why are you asking me that now?''

Nurse smiled and winked at Jungkook and gently rubbed a cotton on the little wound of the injection and left. "Because that is what it feels like when you are pricked with a needle of an injection, pabo!", Jungkook said and laughed along with Taehyung when he realized he was fearing nothing and it was all done.

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