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Long chapter ahead. I hope the story is keeping you guys intrigued. Are you cuties liking the continuous updates or should I update with some intervals? Anyways let's move on with this chapter.

It was a pleasant Saturday evening and Taehyung planned to spend some time with Jimin. He'd been busy the whole week with the upcoming construction plan meetings and was also a little upset with his abrupt meeting with Jungkook.  Meeting Jimin and Yoongi would lift his mood, he thought.

He rang the Min's doorbell and waited for someone to answer the door. Dressed in blue jeans and white shirt with sleeves rolled up to his elbows, Taehyung looked relaxed and casual unlike every time in formals. He had not considered calling Jimin to let him know about his visit because he did not want them, especially Jimin to get hyper and be over hospitable.

Now, even after a couple of minutes when no one answered the door he was skeptical if he'd get to meet them. Just when Taehyung had given up and turned to leave, Jimin answered the door. He was talking or rather gossiping nineteen to dozen over the phone and was so involved in the conversation that he did not even realize that it was Taehyung at the door. He simply opened the door and turned away, the phone stuck between his ear and shoulder while one of his hand was busy filing the nails of the other.

Taehyung stood there fighting a smile and wondering 'What do they have so much to talk about?.' Instead of going in he chose to wait for Jimin to notice him so he leaned on the wall with his arms crossed across his chest. 

"...And this he has been saying since last year!" Jimin quipped into the phone when he turned away after absentmindedly glancing just once at the visitor.

He stopped talking and slowly turned around to check if he actually saw Taehyung or was it just his look alike standing at the doorway? He gaped at him for a second and covered his mouth with his hand.

"Listen, I'll talk to you later, I've a guest," Jimin said and hung up the call.

He quickly hurried towards Taehyung who was chuckling at Jimin's reactions."Oh My God! Mr. Kim Taehyung at my doorstep?", He squealed.

"What a surprise!!" He said and hugged him.

Taehyung returned his hug and walked into the house with his hand around jimin's shoulder and asked, "Why? Am I not welcome?"

"Of course you are!!  Just that Mr.Kim visits never us voluntarily without being invited 100 times and without either of us pleading to see you. So naturally it's a surprise isn't it?" Jimin continued cheerfully.

"Okay! I give up", Taehyung said throwing his hands up and shook his head.

He settled down on the couch and Jimin planted himself besides him. He indeed looked very happy to see Taehyung and that could be understood from his beaming smile.

"So what brings his highness here?" Jimin interrogated playfully and narrowed his eyes.

"Stop it Chim!"

"Okay I'm sorry...by the way Yoongi is in the playground across the street playing with kids", Jimin informed.

"Oh is it?"


"Then I think I'll catch up with him there", he said and rose to leave.

"Won't you stay for some coffee?"  Jimin asked and followed Taehyung who had almost reached the door to exit.

"Next time!" Taehyung winked and disappeared into the elevator before it shut.


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