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I guess there was some glitch with last chp since the views were so less compared to the other chapters while the votes were same, idk. Anyways let's start with this one💜💚

2 days later

Kim Industries, Busan.

It had been a couple of days since Taehyung met Jungkook. Although he was busy with his work and back to back lined up meetings, it turned out to be more and more difficult to get Jungkook out of his mind. It was not just now, but ever since Jungkook had braved to voice his feelings for him, he was pretty much on his mind. Taking business decisions was never a problem, but taking personal decisions was always a challenge for taehyung. His personal decisions were often influenced by the people he respected and loved in life. His father was one such person.

Soon after completing Post Graduation, Taehyung took over his father's business. He primarily concentrated on the business they had established in the USA. He was keen on moving out of Korea at the earliest as that was the only way he could have distanced himself from Jungkook as directed by his father.

Since then, he engrossed himself in business so much that everything else ceased to exist for him. He never lived up for himself, it was work and only work for him. He was determined to exhaust himself so much that Jungkook or his thoughts could never haunt him, but soon he realized he could not cheat, not at least himself. Although Taehyung lived a robotic life, he never failed to perform his duties as a son.


"Fantastic! That is indeed a good news. Thank you so much doctor," Taehyung said and hung up the call.

He quickly dialed another number and waited till the call was answered.

"Hello Jennie!?" Taehyung inquired.

"Yes, hyung. How have you been?" Jennie replied. (Sorry I personally dislike the word 'oppa' thanks to yn shit)

"I'm good. How is appa feeling?"

"He is resting and don't worry, he is feeling much better."

"Good. I just got a call from Dr. Mingyu and he said everything was perfectly fine. Appa is improving as he is responding to the treatment."

"I'm sure he will be fine. By the way he has asked me to remind you to order for his favorite scotch," she said and laughed lightly.

Taehyung laughed along, this indeed was a good sign he thought. He was clearly very happy to know about his father's recovery, "No wonder he is responding to the treatment! Tell him it shall be done."

"Hmm..Take care hyung !", Jennie murmured.

"You too dear. Bye for now", Taehyung said and hung up. He kept looking at the phone in his hand for a while lost in some random thoughts. He was glad his father was feeling better and was assured that he would soon be fine. He knew all this was possible because of Jennie, his younger step sister who took care of his father in his absence.

Taehyung's father Mr.Kim Da-hyun, now a retired businessman settled in Daegu post retirement, suffered a paralytic stroke when his second wife Ae-ri left him for good. She left behind their daughter Jennie, who fortunately was more of the pure blood of Kims and nothing remotely close to her evil mother.

Jennie was a simple and a very understanding young girl. Unlike her mother Ae-ri, Jennie was born with noble genes inherited from her father. She was more caring and understanding towards her father and elder step brother, Taehyung. She regretted that she was Ae-ri's daughter, having her evil blood within her so much so that she chose to be with her father and her brother when her mother decided to leave Kim Mansion.

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