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Warning ⚠️: long chapter ahead because I couldn't stop myself from writing 🙂

It was a chilly Sunday morning and as decided and conveyed by Jimin; Jungkook and Chanyeol reached Jimin's apartment and waited for everyone to join them.

Yoongi and yoonmin were already in the parking getting things ready to be taken along. Jimin kept looking at his phone expecting it to ring any moment. Meanwhile, Joshua and jun along with their parents also arrived. Since the picnic was planned to a resort closer to Busan city they all preferred to travel in their respective cars. Only Jungkook and Chanyeol were traveling with Yoongi. They were all set to leave and everyone especially the kids were very excited.

"Kookie, should I talk to Park uncle? I think they can comfortably join us, uncle was so excited yesterday and now you are saying they won't join us?" Yoongi asked.

"No hyung, it's ok, actually they did want to come but in the morning appa thought they'd feel out of place  amongst the children and so..."

"Jungkook hyung, why do you worry so much? They can come along in my car and no feeling out of place as my parents are coming along too. They will have good company." Myung said cheerfully.

He and joshua had become good friends with Jungkook and his in-laws after Chanyeol's injury as joshua had apologized to Chanyeol and a friendship had blossomed.

"Thank you Myung but why to disturb you...', Jungkook trailed off a little embarrassed with all of the disturbance he thought was created by him.

Jimin looked at his phone again hoping for it to ring soon. To buy some more time he spoke, "Kookie, I'm telling you...", he stopped abruptly as he was interrupted by a loud horn sound and everyone turned towards a shining white Mercedes approaching them. The car stopped in the compound and Jimin immediately recognized the car and its owner.

"Annyeong Haseyo!", Taehyung said in a loud cheerful voice and stepped out, he waved at the amazed crowd in general.

"Taetae!", Jimin smiled and went forward to hug him. "Where were you brat, thank god you made it on time", he whispered further into his ear and winked. Yoongi too breathed a sigh of relief at that moment and tried to appear surprised to see him when he saw Jungkook looking at him for answers. Getting no response from Yoongi, he thought Chanyeol must have insisted Taehyung to join but then he would have informed about it to him. He looked around for Chanyeol but was told that he'd gone to pick jun's cricket kit from his home.

"Oh Taehyung hyung!", Myung called out and walked to him and shook his hands warmly. "So good to see you after so many days", he said further and gave him a brotherly hug.

"I'm good Myung, by the way I am sorry, I think am disturbing all of you, I guess you all are leaving somewhere?", Taehyung asked curiously. He quickly glanced at Jungkook standing with Yoongi and looked back at Jimin for an answer.

"Taetae uncle", Chanyeol screamed and ran towards him. "What a pleasant surprise!" he exclaimed.

"Hi bub, surprise it is but for me. I suppose you all are heading for an outing?", Taehyung faked. Jimin looked at Yoongi and angrily stared at him to speak up as it was time for next step to their plan of action.

"Actually Taehyung, we are all going to Ananti Hilton, close by, just a small picnic, didn't I tell you yesterday?" Yoongi filled in looking convincingly confused.

"No! Well, never mind, you guys carry on, I thought we'd go for a long drive so came visiting you.", Taehyung said a little depressed.

"Taetae uncle, why don't you come with us? We'll have so much fun." Chanyeol insisted. Jimin almost jumped with joy, as he saw his plan falling in place.

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