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Another long chapter! I hope long chapters aren't boring! Are you guys enjoying the story or is it turning boring? Let me know! Shall we start? Let's goo💜💚

Everyone gathered in the common large hall in the resort where a buffet lunch was set. The menu listed both the vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes that were arranged separately.

Jungkook and Taehyung joined the others who had gathered there. The kids, after swimming, were very hungry and so they had begun to relish the delicious food. Jungkook noticed Chanyeol needed help hence quickly went up to him and went along with him to get some soup and pasta.

Taehyung wanted to wait for jungkook till he was done assisting Chanyeol with his food so he stepped out to talk to Mr.Park who was done with his lunch. Though Taehyung was talking to Mr.Park, his eyes were fixed on Chanyeol and Jungkook. Chanyeol ate quietly all the while, but when he saw Yoonmin and the other kids run out, he did not want to finish his food, so he wriggled out of his father's hold and dashed out.

"Channie!" Jungkook called out holding the last but one morsel in his hand.

Taehyung noticed Chanyeol escape, he excused himself and quickly ran and caught hold of Chanyeol before he could run away.

"You brat! I see you haven't finished your lunch." Taehyung said as he lifted up Chanyeol like a log and walked back to Jungkook.

"Thanks tae, this boy is so naughty!" Jungkook held Chanyeol's hand and put the morsel in his mouth before he could say anything.

"Papa, this is enough! I don't want to eat anymore", Chanyeol squirmed in Taehyung's hold. Taehyung laughed all the while as Chanyeol tried to tickle Taehyung's arms with his tiny fingers but it didn't affect him much.

"It's the last one, I promise", Jungkook said and pulled Chanyeol closer to him as he fed him the last morsel. Taehyung wiped his hands with the tissue and brought him some water to drink before Chanyeol disappeared with Yoonmin.

Mr.park quietly witnessed this scene from a distance and smiled, his eyes glistened with tears as he prayed silently and walked away with the pleasant smile on his face.

Meanwhile Jimin came to Jungkook and Taehyung and asked, "Are you guys planning to fast by any chance?"

"No!", Jungkook said and giggled at Jimin's irritation out of hunger and stood up to join him for lunch. Yoongi, Myung and jun's father had already begun eating. Taehyung followed Jungkook and Jimin and picked up the plates and went through picking some delicious looking dishes one after another.

"Jimin, try this kimchi", Yoongi suggested and took one more helping of the kimchi. He looked at Taehyung and said,"tae, you should try it too, I know you don't like kimchi but taste this a little." Taehyung nodded in agreement and said, "Okay my dear hyung if you insist so much." He took a bowl and was about to pour some kimchi when Jungkook blurted out, "Tae... Don't!"

Taehyung stopped and put down the bowl of kimchi he had just taken and turned to Jungkook. Jimin and Yoongi were surprised too. "What's the matter Kookie?"  Jimin asked a little concerned.

Jungkook was embarrassed as he had unwantedly gained Yoongi and Jimin's attention as they looked at him waiting for an answer. "Er...Umm...Actually the kimchi is spicy and...", He paused. Taehyung's brows relaxed and he smiled. Jimin saw him the bowl away which surprised him further, "And?"

Jungkook looked at Taehyung and said further, "...and, tae can't handle much spice. So I asked him", he trailed off.  He flushed as there was a sudden silence after and jimin made Taehyung more uncomfortable with his funny faces intending to tease him. Yoongi tried hard not burst out laughing looking at Taehyung blushing.

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