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"Thank you!" Taehyung said as he was handed over the credit card and the bill signed and stamped. He picked the bag and strode towards the elevator. Intuitively he took a quick glance at the helicopter on the last shelf and walked away with a smile.

"Driver, Min house", Taehyung instructed and took his phone out to shoot some quick mails before he reached Jimin's house.                          

"Channie, you will not misbehave and be naughty at yoonmin's party, alright?", Jungkook reminded him one last time before he let Chanyeol hop out of the car to join Yoonmin.

Min Yoonmin was Chanyeol's best buddy in school and a neighbor too. Yoonmin's father Jimin and Jungkook were good friends and frequently took the kids out for fun. Jimin's husband Yoongi had been like a big brother to him also his bestfriend. Yoongi had helped Jungkook to get Chanyeol an admission into the best school when they shifted a year back.

Apart from the Mins and some of his colleagues at work, Jungkook knew not many people as he preferred to keep to himself.

"Papa! You know every time you warn me or remind me to be a good boy and behave; I am tempted to do all you that you don't want me to do. You've reminded me this almost thrice by now." Chanyeol grumbled rolling his tiny eyes and crossing his arms across his chest.

"Very smart!" Jungkook smiled and commented to tease his grumbling son and pulled him to kiss him on his cheek before he let him go. Chanyeol wiped away the kiss his papa just planted and got out of the car right outside yoonmin's house. Jungkook giggled to see his son behave so shy every time he kissed him in public. He waved him off and called Yoongi to tell he had dropped Chanyeol at the gate and would return to pick later.

He saw Chanyeol disappear behind the gate and drove towards The Sky Touch apartments, his apartment which was just two buildings away. He pulled into the parking of his building and cut the engine. Humming to himself lightly, he stepped out and collected all the shopping bags out of the car and headed towards the elevator.

"Jungkook! You are here finally" , Mrs. Park, Jungkook's mother-in-law said as she got out of the elevator.

"Yes eomma, I'm sorry you are late again for your walk because of me." Jungkook apologized. Mrs. Park passed him the keys to the flat and warmly caressed his cheek and said, "Its fine bub. In fact, I'll have to take only four rounds of the park than five today. Your father-in-law must have already finished a couple of them by the time I join", she winked and giggled.

Jungkook shook his head lightly and said, "I don't think that's a good thing to do eomma."

"Oh  please now you don't start your health is wealth lecture again, by the way where is Chanyeol?" Mrs. Park questioned.

"I've dropped him at yoonmin's house and will pick him up later in the evening."

"Oh yes, so my boy is partying hard, huh", Mrs. Park winked at Jungkook.

"Yes" , Jungkook laughed and entered the elevator that he had missed when it was on the ground floor a couple of minutes back and pressed the 20th floor button and before the door could shut he shouted, "By the way no cheating eomma."

"Uff! I forget he is a appa's boy and not mamma's!" Mrs. Park murmured to herself. Unlike the typical mother-in-law, Mrs. Park was a very warm and affectionate woman. She had a happy marriage with her husband, Mr. Park Yoo-kwon a retired Bank officer and doted on their son-in-law, Jungkook. Chanyeol was of course, the apple of her eye.

Jungkook walked into the house with heavy bags and shut the door behind his. He placed all the bags on the kitchen table and grabbed a bottle of water from the refrigerator before he collapsed on one of the dining chairs. He drank some water and set the bottle aside and sat quietly. Everything was suddenly so quiet since no one especially Chanyeol wasn't at home and today even Mrs. Lee, the music teacher next door was not singing, adding more to the silence. She usually did practice her singing every day at this hour he thought.

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