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2nd update for the day! How workless am I?🙂 Anyways let's proceed with the chp 💚💜

A Week Later

Jungkook returned home earlier than his usual time. He collapsed on the couch all tired and relaxed with his hands resting on his head. Chanyeol came running out of his room and noticed him. He silently tiptoed towards him and sat beside him and hastily placed a soft kiss on his cheek.

"Hey! My naughty baby", Jungkook said and enveloped Chanyeol in a warm hug.

Suddenly Chanyeol freed himself from Jungkook and ran into the kitchen. Jungkook was a little surprised, but a smile appeared on his face when he saw his dear son bring him a glass of water holding it clumsily.

He gave a heartwarming smile to his father and said, "Papa, here drink this water." Jungkook smiled and took the glass from him and asked, "How did you know Papa wanted to drink water?"

"You always bring water for Halabeoji when he comes home, so I thought you would want water too", Chanyeol said innocently.

"Oh! Thank you so much for water" , Jungkook said and drank the water he brought for him so thoughtfully. He was pleased to see his son learning the right mannerisms from him and the family.

"So what did Channie do today?", Jungkook asked as he put down the glass on the table and pulled Chanyeol closer to him and made him sit beside him.

"I said the morning prayers with halmeoni, then I went to play with soobin and then halmeoni called me for lunch so I came home and ate my food. Papa please tell halmeoni to not give me two bibimbaps, I can't eat so much.'' Chanyeol narrated his day's activities playfully.

Jungkook giggled and said, "halmeoni makes me eat three bibimbaps and scolds me if I don't finish, you are lucky you have to eat just two.'' Jungkook tickled him and both laughed and enjoyed a light moment. Chanyeol suddenly remembered something and rushed into his room and appeared with a CD in his hand.

"Papa, Jimin uncle gave this in the morning when I was playing with Soobin and told me to give it to you''. Chanyeol said and handed over the CD to Jungkook and sat beside him curiously seeing him open it.

Jungkook took the CD and found a little note in Jimin's handwriting.

Dear kookie,

These are the pictures from the picnic. They are awesome and I'm glad Park uncle and aunty came.

PS: You are glowing in the pictures ;)


"Crazy!'', Jungkook muttered to himself shaking his head after he finish reading the note. He looked at Chanyeol silently looking at him. He noticed him fold the note back and put it in the cover and asked curiously, "What is it papa?''

Jungkook put the CD aside and tied his loose hair in a man bun (the author is obsessed with jk in long hair ) and spoke, "Picnic photographs''. Chanyeol's face lit up and he jumped from the couch and picked up the CD and said, "Papa, please lets see them now...Papa please!!"

"Now? Channie we'll see it after dinner baby...'' Jungkook tried to convince him, but Chanyeol could not contain his excitement, "Papa..please...don't say no."

"What does Yeolie want from Papa now?'' Mr.Park asked. He returned from his evening walk and saw the father - son arguing.

"Halabeoji!", Chanyeol cheerfully ran to Mr.Park and told him about the pictures and insisted that they saw the pictures that moment.

"Jungkook, let's see the pictures first, come", Mr. Park said and gestured with his eyes to convince Jungkook.

Mrs. Park finished one of her long gossip calls and joined the three in Chanyeol's room to see the pictures. Jungkook turned on the computer and inserted the CD while Chanyeol excitedly sat on his Halabeoji's lap to get a better view of the pictures.

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