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Hello! I'm here taekookers!💚💜
Let's get this💜💚

2 Days later
Busan international school, Busan

"Mr.Park you don't have to worry about Chanyeol, he is a very bright student and I must tell you he is a lovely child just that he is a little naughty", Mrs. Grace , Chanyeol's teacher said in a pleasant tone looking at Chanyeol.

"Channie?", Jungkook looked at his little monster and eyed him a little angrily but immediately broke into an endearing smile. Chanyeol just shrugged generally and made decent attempts to escape his Papa's eyes.

Jungkook looked pleased with good feedback about Chanyeol and said, "Thank you Mam, that's very convincing and I'm relaxed about Chanyeol as I know he is in safe hands." He signed his progress report card after he had briefly looked into his terminal exam answer sheets. He mentally made a note of the subjects Chanyeol needed some more attention on and discussed the syllabus and other holiday activities with his teachers as the school was closing down for winter vacation. After thanking the other teachers, Jungkook went one last time to meet Mrs.Grace again.

"Thank you for everything Mrs. Grace, next time I will ensure Chanyeol will not be naughty", Jungkook convinced and rose to leave but was stopped by Mrs. Grace. She looked at Chanyeol and said in a casual tone, "Chanyeol, why don't you say goodbye to your other friends meanwhile I shall have a quick chat with your papa?"

"Sure mam", Chanyeol said and sprinted away within seconds.

Jungkook looked tense and before he could ask anything Mrs. Grace calmed him, "Don't worry Mr. Park, I just did not want to talk about this in front of Chanyeol so I sent him out. There is nothing to worry so please relax." Jungkook gave a cursory smile and pretended to relax. Mrs.Grace then spoke in a very soothing tone, "Mr.Park, I wanted to tell you that we have noticed a very positive change in Chanyeol."

The words played their magic and Jungkook was reassured that indeed there was nothing to worry. He smiled wider instantly and asked, "Really? And what is it?"

"Chanyeol is more cheerful and happy now. I have seen him depressed and disinterested in extracurricular activities many a times before and I always wondered what worried the little child.  I spoke to you about this once and you mentioned that you would talk to him about it."

Jungkook nodded as he recollected that he had promised to talk to Chanyeol despite knowing the reasons about Chanyeol's quiet and indifferent behavior about which he never spoke to his teacher.

"But I have noticed that for some time now, Chanyeol is appearing to be more active and happy. He is more participative and his interaction with the other boys has increased too. God bless my boy!!", Mrs. Grace finished and smiled.

"That's wonderful!", Jungkook said looking very pleased.

"Has he made any new friends or has something changed in some time?", Mrs.Grace asked curiously. Jungkook immediately negated saying, "No...nothing has changed and I don't think..." He paused abruptly.  He recollected glimpses of Chanyeol and Taehyung's first meet in the mall he also remembered Chanyeol's narration of their joint win in the game, he realized that Chanyeol indeed had found a new friend in Taehyung and was very fond of him.

"You were saying something Mr.Park?,"  Mrs. Grace's voice interrupted Jungkook's thoughts.

"Huh...umm...well...yes, a new friend it is!'', Jungkook responded thoughtfully.

"That's good. Then I suggest you encourage Chanyeol's friendship with his new friend as I see it is positively influencing him."

"Sure! Thank you for everything," Jungkook smiled and stood up to leave.

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