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I'm trying to update this story faster as I want to complete it because I have a new story in my mind. I won't start it till I complete this one. Don't worry the story won't be rushed as the plot is already fixed. So let's get going with this chapter💜💚

Help Street Kids foundation

"Mr. Park, it's always a pleasure to have you with us. You have done so much for these deprived children." said Mrs.Jung, head of Help Street Kids foundation. Jungkook had been a part of this organization and had volunteered to participate in all the activities they organized to raise funds for the children. Even today he was there to attend a meeting for an event to be organized for the deprived children.  A heath check drive for such children was being organized and Jungkook was present to look into the arrangements. 

"I think, you along with Mr.Seok can attend the meeting and finalize everything." she added.

"Sure!" Jungkook smiled, dignified like always and proceeded to the main hall for the meeting.

Jungkook entered the room and one could read a surprise on his face when his eyes rested on the man he had least expected to see.

"Taehyung?" Jungkook murmured when he saw him standing at the doorway talking to someone.

Jungkook's voice caught Taehyung's attention. His heart did a somersault when he saw him standing there looking back completely surprised.

'...Destined to meet!' he recollected Jungkook's words and smiled joyously. Indeed the destiny gave Taehyung an opportunity he waited for, to meet Jungkook and apologize.

"Oh! Hi Jungkook, what a pleasant surprise!", Taehyung said chirpily and came forward, stretching out his hand, he gently shook hands with both Mr.Seok and Jungkook.

"Actually, Mr.Felix, the main trustee of the hospital was to attend the meeting but he had to rush at the last moment and so yours sincerely is here." Taehyung humbly explained about his presence.

Jungkook was pleased to see him actively participate in social service and more so for a cause he was a part of.

"Good to see you...again", he spoke to make small talks. Taehyung nodded humbly and led both the males to their seats.

After exchanging pleasantries the meeting began which continued to be a serious talk and as per the agenda the meeting ended with all the things finalized. The event was scheduled on the coming Sunday and accordingly the tasks were divided between the teams on both sides.

The meeting ended on a positive note and the other team members excused themselves one after another leaving just Taehyung and Jungkook.  An awkward silence persisted between them. Both walked silently towards the exit when Taehyung hesitantly asked, "Coffee?"

Jungkook looked back at him a little surprised. How things had changed  they were being so formal to one another? He thought. He was a little skeptical if he wanted to accompany Taehyung but finally he agreed, "Sure!"

Pleased with Jungkook's agreement, Taehyung proposed to go to the nearest café. He chalked out a rough draft in his mind about what he wanted to tell him.

"There is a café right across the road, mind if we walk to it?", Taehyung asked politely.

Jungkook gave a cursory smiled and nodded in agreement.The two took to walking and made their way towards the main gate in silence. Taehyung observed Jungkook intently; he was dressed plainly in pale colors as usual and appeared so bogged down and distant. To initiate a conversation he asked casually, "So how is my new friend?"

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