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Hello beautiful ppl✨ Just a short chapter for today. Let's start💜💚

Two days Later

It was a busy morning at the Park's residence, Jungkook had taken an off from work as he had to visit the church along with his in-laws. It was Bogum, Jungkook's husband's death anniversary and as a ritual they went to church and prayed for his soul to rest in peace. Considering Chanyeol's young age and his ignorance about the worldly facts such as life and death he was preferred to be sent to school.

While the elder couple arranged for their visit to the church, Jungkook dressed Chanyeol for school hastily and sprinted along with him towards the bus stop. They reached the stop earlier than usual and so waited for the bus to arrive. While Chanyeol wandered nearby aimlessly, Jungkook sat on the bench to catch some breath.

The otherwise talkative Chanyeol was a little quieter today, which puzzled Jungkook. He was used to answering his endless questions through the day and would often enjoy a hearty laugh and admire his quirky comments, but to see him so confined to himself, Jungkook was worried. He reckoned that something was disturbing him and that urged Jungkook to ask him about his limited talking today.

He watched him carefully for a while; he was lost in some thoughts. He was not sure what the possible reason could be so he asked him generally, "Why is Channie so quiet today?" Chanyeol looked up at his papa absent-mindedly. Looking at his blank eyes and still not finding any answer he asked again, "Upset with papa?". He fixed his hair while he waited for him to answer.

Chanyeol remained quiet for a minute and suddenly quizzed his father, "Grandma, grandpa and you are all going to the church today to pray for appa right?"

Jungkook looked back at him stupefied. How did he fail to notice the same question in his eyes? He could feel his eyes glisten, a sudden inexplicable urge to cry. He composed himself and kneeled in front of him and spoke, "Yes! Channie". His voice choked as he tried to suppress his tears and kissed his tiny hands.

"I shall pray too. I know God listens to small children's prayers, he shall listen to mine and send my appa soon.", he declared confidently and hugged his father.

The horn of his school bus caught his attention and he sped off to board the bus. He cheerfully waved at his father from the window and the smile that was missing on his face reappeared once again which touched the father's heart. He pondered over Chanyeol's words as he made his way towards home.

He reached the elevator of the building and pressed the 20th floor button. While he was alone in the elevator, Chanyeol's words repeated in his thoughts. He was amazed with the patience and hope the child lived with. He sighed heavily and walked out of the elevator when it reached the floor.

The door to his flat was open; he walked in and saw his mother-in-law packing some food to be given to the children in the orphanage, near the church . He saw how grim his otherwise chirpy mother in law looked. Jungkook shuddered just with the thought of losing his child Chanyeol and that is when he realized his loss was nothing compared to his mother -in law. Not wanting to ponder much he went straight to his room to take a shower.

The Park's were ready and they took off immediately along with Jungkook. They reached the church lighted some candles and prayed for Bogum's soul.

Jungkook stared at the candle without blinking remembering the last glimpses of Bogum, he lay still and lifeless on the hospital bed, the soul slowly leaving his body.

4 Years back

"Mr Park, your husband's car collided a divider and crashed into a bus. He is rushed to the Seoul Hospital.", a soft female voice spoke on the other side of the phone.

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