Chapter 2

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Lucy smiled as she walked and stared at the field guide in her hands. She managed well in defense against the dark arts and charms. Currently she was on her way to the entrance of Hogwarts to head to Hogsmeade. She had completed Professor Ronen's assignment rather quickly, only having to retrieve a few pieces of parchment with the new spell she learned. She was happy to have made a new friend as well, her name was Natty. It felt nice to have someone to relate to, both of them moving so far to attend school here. The only difference was, Natty physically had to move far, but Lucy's large movement was through time. She remembered when she walked in, she spotted Ominis and Sebastian talking right away. She was about to approach them before Natty called. She had looked at Natty, then back towards Sebastian. He sent her a quick nod, ushering her to go talk to the girl. Seemed as if he was the one helping her make friends after all.

Afterwards, Natty helped her find her way to defense against the dark arts. They took their time, stopping as Natty showed her bits and pieces of the building, explaining things she had learned. Natty had left her at the door, bidding her farewell and making a promise to hang out sometime outside of class.

Lucy had walked into the classroom, a duel ensuing before her. It was her first time witnessing a real duel, having only been in one herself. Though, she hadn't had anyone cast spells at her yet, just knights swinging their swords about. She watched as the colorful wisps flew from Sebastian's wand towards the redhead, and vice versa.

"Is that all you've got?" A look of boredom graced Sebastian's features, "Bombarda!" A blue light emitted from his wand, straight at Leander. He managed to block the spell, but sent it straight up to the dragon skeleton above. Lucy's eyes widened seeing the head fall towards the redhead. Right as it was about to hit him it froze in the air.

Lucy shook her head as she let the events play out in her memory. The boy was lucky Professor Hecate was there to stop him from being crushed. She recalled, technically, her first duel with another wizard. Though she won, she couldn't help but feel Sebastian went easy on her, but shrugged it off, knowing they could have a rematch later on. She was even more excited when he told her about the dueling club, though she hadn't had a chance to go. She wanted to get her own wand first, and have a real duel then.

She flipped a few of the pages of the field guide she had been carrying, seeing some empty. She couldn't help but wonder what possible things she would uncover to fill it. She not only had a castle to explore, but a whole world to explore. The map the field guide held seemed rather large. She just hoped she'd have enough time to see it all.

"Doing some light reading?" A voice broke her from her thoughts. She looked up, locking eyes with a pair of brown. She looked around, realized she had already made it to the entrance. She let a giggle escape her lips, remembering her saying the exact same thing to him this morning.

"Don't worry. It's empty." She chuckled softly, heading down the stairs towards Sebastian. She flipped some of the pages before his eyes, showing the empty space.

"What is that book anyways. Can't be of much use if it's empty. Unless you're planning to write in it yourself?" Sebastian raised an eyebrow.

Lucy shook her head, "Though that sounds like a grand idea, no. Professor Weasley gave it to me so I can catch up with my school work. Especially since I have to prepare for the OWLs this year. I have five years of learning to do in one year."

"So it fills up as you learn then?" Sebastian stared at the front cover of the book.

"I guess so. I'm still a bit confused as to how it works myself, but that's how I feel about a lot of things here." Lucy shrugged, putting the book away, making it vanish into thin air.

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