Chapter 21

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                                                                            SPICY STUFF

"Lucy." She heard someone call behind her. It was no question who the voice belonged to, but they seemed far away. Lucy turned towards the direction of the voice, seeing Sebastian standing far off into the distance. He was on the other side of the room, just exiting the bedroom where he was sleeping.

"Sebastian, is everything okay?" Lucy looked at his approaching figure, slightly confused. She was used to the confidence he was exhibiting now, but his eyes showed a certain determination behind them.

"I can't do this anymore." Sebastian spoke as he stopped only a few centimeters in front of her.

Lucy felt her cheeks light up like the red lights surrounding the christmas tree. He was so close, she could practically feel his breath on her skin. His scent overwhelmed and intoxicated her, the sweet smell of old parchment, cedarwood, and the forbidden forest.

"Do what?" Lucy attempted to snap out of the senses that overwhelmed her.

"This stupid back and forth that we're doing. I can't do it." Sebastian rested his head against hers, his eyes boring deep into hers.

She felt a shiver roll down her spine as he spoke. She tried to look anywhere but his eyes, but the rest of him captured her vision when she tried.

"Don't shy away from me now. That's never stopped you before." Sebastian moved his hand, gently caressing her face, letting his thumb slide over her bottom lip, "Do you know how long I've been aching to touch these lips with my own?"

Lucy swallowed the lump that formed in her throat, opening her mouth slightly. She attempted to find the words, but everything in her mind was blank. She was simply enraptured by the man before him. It was as if he hypnotized her, used the imperius curse to make sure her attention was always on him, or even slipped her some amortentia potion. Yet, he did none of that, it was simply his effect on her.

"This is the first time I've ever left you this speechless." Sebastian took another step closer, making sure they were both as close as possible. There wasn't a space between them nor a crevice that was untouched.

"I can feel your heart racing." A smirk formed on Sebastian's face as he slowly leaned in.

Lucy felt herself relax as soon as his lips met hers. They were slightly chapped, but still so addicting. She moved her hands around his neck, pulling him even closer. She felt her heart race even more as he removed his hand from her cheek and rested it on her side where her hips met her waist. He felt his other hand slowly glide up her thigh, taking his time to enjoy every inch she would let him touch. She felt his lips leave her but quickly reattach to her neck, gripping her sides harder.

"Sebastian." She groaned softly, gripping at his hair.


"Lucy." She heard him say but he seemed far off again, "Lucy, come on." He repeated again. Slowly the Sebastian that was once kissing her and telling her everything she wanted to hear faded away. The room she was once in turned white.

"Lucy, wake up." Lucy jumped awake, quickly sitting up. She groaned, hitting her head against something hard.

Lucy held her head, attempting to stop the pain, "Fuck." she finally looked at what she hit her head on. Her eyes widened seeing Sebastian holding the side of his head. Her eyes quickly left him, darting around the room. She let out a deep breath, realizing she was still at the Leaky Cauldron. Her cheeks felt warm as the dream was still fresh in her mind.

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