"Bye mom. Bye dad. See you after school." Lucy hugged her parents tightly, missing them after all this time. Last night she clung to them the moment they entered the house. Her brother tried to get her in trouble with her parents, but, with the help of the disillusionment charm, failed.
She watched as Jess held the door open for a moment, most likely letting the two hiding Slytherins out of her house and into the streets of London. Lucy followed out within a moment, walking with Jess. As soon as the house was out of view, the two boys reappeared in front of them.
"Perhaps next time we can get another bed to sleep on." Ominis stretched his back as they walked, keeping his wand in his hand.
"I agree. I didn't enjoy sleeping on the floor." Sebastian groaned in agreement.
"Right, you won't really be able to keep your wand up around the muggles." Lucy let her eyes flicker from Ominis's wand to his face, ignoring the prior comments.
"How do you expect me to watch where I'm going?" Ominis argued, not liking the idea of being completely unable to sense the world around him.
"You could always use us as your guides. We can take turns and you can hold onto us." Jess suggested.
"Yeah, you could hold onto us." Sebastian held out his arm for Ominis.
"I'm not sure I trust you." Ominis turned his head towards Sebastian.
"Come on, Om. Would I ever lead you astray?" Sebastian raised an eyebrow.
"Do you really want me to answer that?" Ominis scoffed, shaking his head.
Lucy shook her head, "Here we can do this, Omi." Lucy gently looped her arms through his, "Just keep your wand in your pocket."
Ominis sighed, reluctantly putting his wand away and continuing to walk with her.
"What about me?" Sebastian pouted slightly, walking beside Lucy.
"Go blind and then you'll get the same treatment." Jess laughed softly as she walked.
"No fair." Sebastian shook his head.
"Alright enough. I already have to babysit you two, don't make my job harder." Lucy shook her head, adjusting the blazer of her uniform.
"I will say, you weren't lying about the clothing here." Sebastian coughed slightly, adjusting the tie he was wearing. For once, she was glad her brother went to the same school as her, being able to steal some uniforms from him for the boys beside her.
A flood of kids came into view as some played outside while others talked in the corners.
"So this is a muggle school." Sebastian let his eyes scan the area, "It really isn't as lavish as Hogwarts."
"Wow Sebastian, a school with no magic isn't as lavish as Hogwarts? You are so insightful." Ominis smirked as they walked into the schoolyard.
"Haha, very funny." Sebastian rolled his eyes, "Lucy, I know you were having trouble controlling your powers, will you be able to manage here?"
Lucy swallowed softly at the thought. That was one thing she hadn't taken into account. Her ancient magic was still far from being controlled, simple emotions could cause catastrophic events to unfold.
"I can mostly control it, but I am slightly scared." Lucy sighed, coming to a stop.
"Wait, you still can't control your magic? Even after going to Hogwarts for a year?" Jess raised an eyebrow.
"Oh fuck I forgot to tell you. Aside from the whole traveling through time, I found out I can see and control a form of ancient magic. I suppose that power is how I found the time turner in the first place." Lucy remembered the way the time turner almost spoke to her. The small whispers she could never make out, but was somehow there any time she found small repositories or needed it during the keeper trials.
"Oh, yes, seems totally normal." Sarcasm flowed from Jess's mouth as she spoke, "Lucy! Do you know how insane that sounds?"
"I'm glad I wasn't the only one who reacted like that. But it is true. I've seen her use this power in action." Sebastian chuckled softly.
"I will say, when you first told me, I was surprised that you also have a rare ability. It's not often we find someone like that." Ominis nodded in agreement.
"And what is your rare ability?" Jess looked at Ominis, wanting to know more about the blonde boy.
"It isn't something I like to talk about..." Ominis sighed, face falling slightly.
"Omi, you don't have to link your ability to your family." Lucy tried to reassure him.
"How can I not? Being a Parselmouth is quite literally passed down through my family." Ominis shook his head rapidly, "You know the burden it carries.
"You can talk to snakes?" Jess's eyes widened slightly, "That means you're a descendent of Slytherin."
"Great, even in this era he has no redeemable qualities." Ominis groaned.
"No, it's just. Well I mean yes, but the last two known parselmouths were Harry Potter and Voldemort. Though, Harry Potter isn't a Parselmouth anymore and Voldemort is dead." Jess ran through the knowledge in her head, "What's your last name?"
Ominis let out another sigh, "It's Gaunt. Though I do plan on renouncing that name soon enough."
A mixture of emotions went through Jess as she processed his name, "You're a Gaunt? Lucy, why the hell would you bring a Gaunt here!? Are you crazy!?" Jess covered her mouth from her rising voice.
Lucy raised an eyebrow, "Jess, Ominis isn't anything like his family. I don't know what you're insinuating but get to know him before you judge simply based on his name." she bit back. Jess and Ominis were both her friends and she wouldn't stand for either being judged or insulted.
"I'm sorry. It's just the man who restricted me from going to Hogwarts in the first place is the descendent of a Gaunt. Marvolo Gaunt to be specific." Jess chewed at her lip, feeling bad by her sudden outburst.
Lucy's eyes widened when Jess spoke his name. The man who sat at the back of her mind, the one who casted that curse at her not once, but twice.
"My brother? Though, I can't say I'm surprised." Ominis shook his head.
"Your family is in the history books, though not for good reason. Though, in all my learnings, I never read of an Ominis Gaunt. Perhaps you did renounce the name and aren't a part of the house anymore. Otherwise..." Jes trailed off, unsure if the things she told them would influence them if they decided to go back.
"Otherwise?" Ominis gripped Lucy's arm slightly. She could tell he was nervous for what she was about to say.
Jess let her eyes soften, looking at Ominis, "Otherwise, the house of Gaunt died out with Voldemort."
Really quick update, thank you everyone for waiting!
I do have some bad news.
I have been going through a bit of writers block and a hectic work schedule.
I just may be a little delayed with mosting (Instead of every 2 or 3 days it may be once a week or a little longer but will not span more than 2 weeks)
I'm trying and i am still writing but sometimes I blank a bit and just stare at my screen.
I have lots of ideas in mind, it's just getting them on paper haha.
always, thank you everyone for your support. When I came up with the idea of this story I was a bit worried to start it, but I'm so happy I have people that actually enjoy it and have told me how interested they are.
again thank you everyone so much. Words cannot begin to show how grateful I am.
I'll post again soon I promise.

A Troubled Time / Sebastian Sallow
FanfictionA girl from the 21st Century travels too far back in time. Follow her on her adventures as she trapped in a time vastly unknown to her. As a heads up, this story will sort of skim through the events of Hogwarts Legacy, but add in much needed charact...