Chapter 25

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Lucy felt her hands shake, being dragged away like this by Professor Black. She ached to call for help, her heartbeat beginning to increase rapidly.

"Headmaster, what are you doing?" A voice forced Lucy to look up from her slouched position. A pleading look formed on her face, seeing a mess of red hair and glasses.

"Ah, Professor Weasley. Ms. Bennett here had a physical altercation with another Student. I'm just having her serve detention." Black kept his head held high, though anyone could see the way he nervously looked from Professor Weasley to Lucy and back.

"Sorry, headmaster, but the Ministry would like to have a word with you. Ms. Lucy can serve her detention with me instead." Professor Weasley stepped forward, forcing Black's hand to remove from Lucy's back. Lucy swallowed, watching as Weasley stood between her and Black. Lucy peeked from behind Professor Weasley, feeling like a 5 year-old hiding behind her mother.

"There is no need, really Professor Weasley." The headmaster turned his head towards her.

"I understand, Headmaster, but the Ministry was firm. They said it was urgent, so I must insist." Professor Weasley didn't wait for a response, turning around and looking at Lucy, "Come on, let's go." She carefully put her hand on her back. It was a vastly different change from Black's hand that rested there moments ago. Instead, Professor Weasley was careful and rubbed calming circles on her back.

She waited a moment until Black had stormed off before speaking again, "I'm glad I showed up in time." Professor Weasley let out a sigh, looking at the girl next to her, "I was fearful for a moment if I am being honest."

"So, I'm not in trouble?" Lucy asked her, slightly hopeful.

"Technically you are, since you did hit another student." Professor Weasley shook her head. Lucy simply nodded, her face deflating slightly, "But, between you and I, I know what happened. This won't be a real detention, just one for the records and so the Headmaster can't punish you again." Professor Weasley smiled.

Lucy couldn't stop her own smile from forming on her face, "Thank you, Professor. There actually was something I wanted to ask you." Lucy followed her into the transfiguration classroom, the door shutting behind her.

"Of course, ask away." Professor Weasley stood in the center of the room, hands clasped and facing Lucy. She watched the young girl approach her.

"Since you know of the room and all of its inhabitants, I was curious on what I should do if I found a... rare creature?" Lucy twiddled her thumbs back and forth, unable to meet her eyes.

"What type of creature is it?" Professor Weasley raised an eyebrow, a knowing tone in her voice.

Lucy let out a breath she had been holding in, "Well, I may sound crazy, but he is invisible at the present. He's a snake-like creature, but looks like he has a dragon's head and tail." Lucy resorted to describing the teacher rather than showing, since Reko still sat around her shoulders, unseen.

"I've seen my fair share of creatures, but have never come in contact with such an oddity." Professor Weasley put her hand to her chin, looking deep in thought.

"I overheard the poachers talking about him being from North America. I'm not sure if that would help. There is also a blue jewel on his head to match his eyes." Lucy gently rested her hand against the snake's skin.

"Sounds like a Horned Serpent to me. The school in America actually has a house named after the creature. They are rare, even in America. I'm surprised one found its way here of all regions." Professor Weasley's eyes held a mixture of curiosity and wariness.

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