Lucy groaned, pain shooting throughout her body as she regained consciousness. She slowly opened her eyes, blinking away her blurry vision. She looked around the room, seeing it empty apart from a few sleeping students in their respective hospital beds. The moonlight shone through the windows, casting a beautiful glow on the floor.
Lucy rolled her head from left to right, it felt heavier than usual. She mustered what strength she had left, allowing her to sit upright.
"You woke up faster than I thought you would." Lucy jumped as Nurse Bailey approached her, a cup of a mysterious liquid in her hand, "Drink this. It'll make you feel better."
"Thank you." Lucy's voice was hoarse and scratchy. She sounded like Ms. Carr. She quickly took the sloshy violet liquid from Nurse Bailey, drinking it quickly. She felt as if she was roaming a vast desert and this was the first sign of water in days.
The liquid was bitter and sticky, doing very little to quench her thirst. She gripped her throat tightly, digging her nails into it as the liquid burned her throat. Nurse Bailey kept an eye on her, waiting around a minute before giving her another cup of clear liquid.
Lucy nearly knocked the glass over, aching for something to clear the burning. She let the water coat her throat, feeling a minor sense of relief.
"I know it hurts, but it will help you regain your strength." Nurse Bailey took both the glasses, setting it on the table nearby her bedside, a large pitcher of water sitting next to it as well. Lucy couldn't help but smile seeing some bouquets of flowers on it as well.
"Do you know how long I'll have to stay here?" Lucy's voice already sounded better than it did, but it was still slightly irritated.
"Unfortunately only time will tell. As I said before, you woke up rather quickly, especially considering the strength of the spell you took on.
"How long was I asleep?" Lucy rubbed her eyes gently.
"About a day and a half. Most children who get the cruciatus curse are out for a week at least." Bailey began cleaning up some supplies.
"This has happened before?" Lucy raised an eyebrow, wondering if Black had done this to other students and gotten away with it.
"Not very often. I think maybe two or three students before you. Most of the time they would cast it on each other since it's an unforgivable. They thought they'd be fine, but they never are." Bailey shook her head at the thought.
"I'm sorry Nurse Bailey, but what is an unforgivable?" Lucy had a feeling she could decipher what it meant, but she wanted to ask.
"There are a total of three unforgivables. If they are to be casted, it is a one way ticket to Azkaban. They are the cruciatus curse, the imperius curse, and the killing curse. That's all I will say, you needn't worry about those curses." Bailey shook her head, leaning against the wall beside her.
"Will I learn how to defend myself from these curses?" Lucy sent pleading eyes towards Bailey. She knew this wouldn't be the last time she'd come into contact with these curses, especially with the large target on her back. The amount of dark wizards she's already fought is enough for a lifetime, but she knew they wouldn't stop anytime soon.
"Your best chance is to counter-cast with expelliarmus or a similar spell. Or better yet, get out of the way before it hits you. Now, enough questions. You need your rest." Bailey pushed off from the wall before Lucy could ask anymore questions.
She watched as Bailey walked into one of the side rooms near the entrance, disappearing from sight.
Lucy sighed, resting her head against the pillow, staring up at the ceiling. She was in an in-between state of tired and wide awake, but, no matter how badly she wished to fall asleep, she couldn't.

A Troubled Time / Sebastian Sallow
FanfictionA girl from the 21st Century travels too far back in time. Follow her on her adventures as she trapped in a time vastly unknown to her. As a heads up, this story will sort of skim through the events of Hogwarts Legacy, but add in much needed charact...