Chapter 31

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 "I know it's a lot to take in." Lucy broke her stare from the ground, looking at Professor Fig. Memories from the fateful day were playing in her head. It had been about a week since the incident with Lodgok and meeting Sebastian again. Lucy found her time vastly short, doing different assignments, tasks, and even finishing her trials. Now, she sat in Fig's office, watching as he approached her, "But you did pass all of the trials, so now you can choose your own path."

The final memory placed all the pieces together. She saw how Isadora's father, though free of his pain, became nothing more than a shell of a person. The giant sphere that housed emotions Isadora stripped from others. The power it gave her. But also, how it caused downfall.

At first, Isadora's intentions seemed good, to relieve others from all pain. But, the more pain she took from others, the more pain she absorbed, the more crazed she became.

Lucy let out a sigh as her head turned back towards the ground, "I know I shouldn't use that thing, but I can't help but wonder if I could do better than Isadora."

"Is this about you, or someone else?" Professor Fig raised an eyebrow, moving closer to the girl.

"I just... What if I could help Anne? What if this power could take her curse away. But... I wouldn't want her to become like Isadora's father." Lucy shook her head, "I want to do the right thing, Professor."

"Sometimes right and wrong can be vague. A choice doesn't always pose as easy or correct. You do have some time to think things through before you have to do anything." Professor Fig let his hand rest on her shoulder.

"I will. Thank you." Lucy pushed off the wall, facing Fig.

"I wish I could tell you to take your time, but I am afraid we don't have much of it. I shall send a letter to Ollivander's to let them know you will be stopping by."

"Alright. I shall head there now and get the wand." Lucy pushed off the wall, "I'm nervous, but it's now or never."

Professor Fig nodded quickly, "Of course. Go on then. I'll be waiting for you in the map chamber." He ushered her out the door of his office, "You won't be going through this alone. Trust me." He sent one last reassuring glance before closing the door, separating the two.


"Thank you, sir." Lucy held the green box tightly in her hand. After waiting what felt like hours for Mr. Ollivander to make this wand, she was finally ready to speak with the keepers once again.

She walked out, smiling at the small case, knowing that her destiny was about to be met. She couldn't help the nerves that flowed through her veins, but she was ready at the same time. It was now or never.

She noticed the lack of people throughout Hogsmeade as she exited. Her eyes widened, seeing a figure slowly approach her. She immediately grabbed her wand, taking a step back from the man.

"Stay back! Or else." Lucy yelled towards the man, seeing him getting closer and closer.

"I'm afraid you're on your own. I've ensured that we have a moment to ourselves." The top hat alone gave away the identity of the man, gripping his own wand in his hand.

She pointed her wand directly at him, "Stay back, Rookwood."

"Come, come. No need for such theatrics. In light of what Ranrok now knows, you must agree that our interests are aligned." Rookwood spoke in an almost teasing voice. It was hard to tell if he was being truly sincere or just trying to force her into a trap. Either way, she wasn't backing down.

"Our interests will never be aligned." Lucy growled, not moving her wand from his direction, watching him approach her.

"The final repository belongs to wizardkind. Not goblins." He seethed, waving his wand about as he spoke. He paused for a moment, observing her, "What's that you got there? Does visiting the wandmaker have something to do with our... mutual pursuit?"

Lucy swallowed softly, moving the wand box behind her and letting it disappear, "I don't know what you're talking about."

Rookwood's face hardened,changing his eyes from looking at her now empty hand to her once again, "That repository is my birthright!"

"You sound like a spoiled brat. And I know for a fack Charles Rookwood wouldn't want you anywhere near it!" Lucy yelled back, matching his fury. The disdain the keeper Charles Rookwood had, especially for his own descendant. Lucy had quickly informed him of Rookwood's alliance with Ranrok, much to Charles' disappointment.

A dark laugh came out of Rookwood's mouth, turning away from her, "Such arrogance. I should've known better than to try and reason with a child. I've always said children should be seen and not heard."

The words hit Lucy like a train, her eyes widening in surprise. It was something Sebastian brought up often when talking about Anne. Now she knew. She knew that it wasn't a goblin that cursed Anne. It was the vile man before her.

A fit of rage consumed her as she gripped her wand tighter. She was about to cast, but someone grabbed her and she disappeared from the spot she once stood.

The cobblestone walkways of Hogsmeade were long gone. Instead she was surrounded by ruins of an old castle. She saw mists of black smoke land on the ground. Ashwinders slowly began to surround her.

Lucy felt her own anger get the best of her, "Confringo!" She casted at the closest one. Flashes of light flew from her wand, hitting as many dark wizards as she could.

"Ah!" Lucy let out a loud scream. Lightning crashed to the ground all around her, causing many enemies to fall.

Yet, no matter how many did, more would take their place, "Bombarda!" Lucy shot one back into the hard brick wall. "Depulso!"

"Come out and face me you coward!" Lucy shouted, slamming another one of his men into the ground over and over again.

Lucy was out of breath as she kept turning, trying to make sure Rookwood didn't sneak up on her. He would be the type to attack from behind.

"Avada Kedavra!" She heard a gruff voice yell. She turned as quickly as she could, casting her own spell at him.

A stream of red and green emitted from their wands, fighting each other to see whose spell would land. Lucy glared, using as much power as she could to send her spell to him. Rookwood disaparated as the spell hit him, but not enough to take him down.

He appeared again a few feet back with more Ashwinders on his side. Lucy felt her eyes darken, watching as tree roots shot from the ground, dragging his followers underground where they belong.

"Imperio!" Lucy shouted, watching as the flash of green flooded his eyes, "A few years ago you cursed a young girl in Feldcroft. You will tell me how to reverse it." Lucy took a step closer to him.

"There isn't a cure. I developed that curse to make sure it couldn't be reversed." Though he was under the imperius curse, Rookwood still held an evil smirk on his face.

Lucy couldn't hold back from the anger that consumed her. She wanted him to hurt. Because of this man, Anne was on her deathbed, Sebastian had gone down a terrible path, and Solomon was dead.

"You deserve to rot for what you've done. Crucio!" Lucy shouted, all the pain, hate, and malice shot through her wand. The red, lightning-like spell covered Rookwood. She didn't stop no matter how hard he cried. It was his fault she had to endure this curse from Sebastian. This was all his fault.

Lucy finally ended the spell after he crumbled to the ground, gripping his head in pain. He disappeared once more.

Lucy searched around her until she heard the familiar words once again, "Avada Kedavra!"

"Expelliarmus!" Lucy shouted, watching as their spells entangled once again. "You deserve to die in Azkaban." Lucy shouted, sending his own spell flying back at him. She covered her eyes, hearing a large explosion from him. She watched as he turned into nothing more than a pile of ash before her.

Lucy swallowed softly, feeling herself fall back onto the ground. She let a few tears fall down her face, "I'm so sorry, Anne."

A Troubled Time / Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now