Lucy smiled, letting her feet relax in the sand as the water covered them. She heard footsteps in the sand, seeing Highwing approach, curiosity showing in the way he tilted his head. Lucy spent much of her time with Highwing, so she was able to almost read the creature's thoughts.
Lucy turned to her right, nudging the person beside her gently, "If you wish to pet her, you must show the proper respect." Lucy bowed, making sure it was low enough. She only lifted her head to see if Highwing bowed as well.
"I don't know. I'm a bit nervous." The feminine voice said, looking from Lucy to Highwing.
"Anne, trust me. She is already intrigued by you. A simple bow and you'll be friends for life."
Anne nodded, slowly bowing to the creature before her. Lucy smiled excitedly seeing Highwing bow almost right away. She carefully grabbed Anne's arm, taking her away from the calming water and towards the creature. She pet Highwing's beak softly, motioning for Anne to join her as well.
It was about a week into winter break. With most of the students heading home for the holidays, it made the best opportunity to sneak Anne into the castle. They met outside the room of requirements, towards the astronomy floo flame. Lucy gave her a small tour of the room before finally bringing her into the first vivarium.
Anne had a small spurt of pain when they walked inside. Lucy offered to take her back immediately, but Anne denied it. The two had sat together, waiting for the pain to subside. Though it didn't help much, the wiggenweld potion Lucy gave her made the lasting pain fade faster.
"Is there a specific beast you'd like to meet?" Lucy had shown Anne just the beach style Vivarium so far. The two had spent much time relaxing in the water and watching some of her beasts play with the toys they had conjured for them.
Anne smiled as she continued to pet Highwing, "I do love meeting any creature if I'm being honest. Though I do adore Nifflers. I think they're just incredible little creatures."
"Let's go introduce you to one." Lucy smiled, grabbing her hand once again, leading her out of the Vivarium. She took her down to the very first vivarium that was created, taking her into the vast grasslands filled with trees, rocks, and a stream. She smiled, watching as the Puffskeins, Kneazles, Fwoopers, and Nifflers ran towards them.
Anne's face lit up even more, watching as a variety of beasts surrounded her. She kneeled down before them, letting her hands pet any of the animals that truly wanted it. Lucy kneeled next to her, handing her a bag of beast feed, "Do you want to help me feed and brush them?"
Anne nodded quickly, using her wand to disperse the feed to the animals around her, "This place is truly incredible." Anne was exasperated as she looked around.
"I suspect you're enjoying this retreat?" Lucy smiled, moving to sit down and crossing her legs. She giggled as one of the Fwoopers landed on her leg, nudging her slightly. She let her hands scratch the Fwoopers head, as she watched Anne holding a Niffler in her arms.
"It is the best day I've had in such a long time." Anne said, using the brush to clean him.
"You have the floo flame now. You can come and go as you please, regardless if I am here or not. I'll even keep some wiggenweld potions stocked just in case." Lucy reassured her, "This retreat is yours if you'd like."
"Thank you, Lucy. You have no idea what this means to me, honest." Anne gushed, watching as some of the creatures went off to play while others slept near them.
Lucy giggled as one of the baby Nifflers awkwardly wadded over to Anne, "I think she likes you."
Anne smiled, watching as the Niffler struggled to climb onto Anne. She set down the small creature in her hand, gently picking up the baby and setting her on her lap.

A Troubled Time / Sebastian Sallow
FanficA girl from the 21st Century travels too far back in time. Follow her on her adventures as she trapped in a time vastly unknown to her. As a heads up, this story will sort of skim through the events of Hogwarts Legacy, but add in much needed charact...