Chapter 29

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  • Dedicated to fighting siblings

So glad you guys are liking the silliness of this story, three days Percy three days ;D

Percy likes Connor Stoll's video: OwlHead v. BeautyQueen


Percy Jackson: Ow, Athena sissors don't go there!

Annabeth Chase: Go mom, Go mom!

Piper McLean: Oh My F****ing Gods, what are they doing? How are doves and Owls fighting????

Annabeth Chase: Aphrodite is now bold!

Ares: Dang, honey how did you even change her cloths like that????

Annabeth Chase: My mother wouldn't EVER wear anything like that!

Piper McLean: Athena's cloths! XD

Annabeth Chase: HAHAHAHAHA who says books don't hurt? ;D

Piper McLean: How do that many text books even exist!!!?!?!?!?!?!

Percy Jackson: And one ton of salt water on Aphrodite!

Poseidon the Awesome: What I have a bet with Hermes, his money is on Aphy so mines on Athena

Percy Jackson: Good call, who's money is on Athena? Whose is on Aphy?

Annabeth Chase: Athena

Piper McLean: Aphrodite

Travis Stoll: Athena

Connor Stoll: Athena

Dionysus: 50 drachmas on Athena!

Zeus: 60 on Athena

Ares: 100 on Aphrodite

Annabeth Chase: Dang nails hurt!

Piper McLean: They can be like knifes

Heaphestus: 20 on Aphrodite 100 on Athena

Leo Valdez: I'll put 20 on Aphrodite because if she does win I get a good income

Will Solace: OMFGs thats gonna leave a mark!

Frank Zhang: Why is this so intertaning 0-0

Hazel Levesque: I don't understand how you can watch this-- Kick her in the throat Athena!!!

Hermes: Holy Heaphestus this is HILLARIOUS!!!

Hades: Thx for the popcorn Dio

Dionysus: No prob dude

Hades: Go Athena go!!!

Athena: And that's how you deal with a beauty queen.

Aphrodite: You cheated

Athena: Oh, really how?

Aphrodite: .....

Athena: thats what I thought.

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