꒰ Beautiful - 15 ꒱

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Hello Mr. Felix, hi mr. Felix, welcome mr. Felix my ass. The amount of people greeting me was making me feel anxious.

I slowly sighed and grabbed a drink. So basically there was a party organised by the ceo of a big brand and they invited Hyunjin and me.

Of course, I can't say no as even my father forced me to go.

I stared at everybody while sipping the drink. Hyunjin was usually talking with the ceo oh wait have I told you what brand was that?

Wait never mind let me tell you, it was Louis Vuitton.

I was sipping sipping and giving small glances at everybody. "hey beautiful" I heard somebody say.

I didn't give any attention thinking that it was somebody else calling beautiful to some. I mean I'm not beautiful enough to be called beautiful..

"I'm talking to you blonde" the guy chuckled. I turned around and saw a beautiful guy with pink hair...yes pink hair.

"O-oh me? Hey" I replied and waved my hand a bit. "Hello, I'm Mr. Yang Jeongin...and you are?" He asked.

"Oh nice to meet you Mr yang, I'm Felix..Hwang Felix" I replied with a smile. (Idk but why does it lowkey feels kinda weird to write Hwang Felix ☹️💀)

"Oh.. Hwang?" He questioned. I just nodded and took a sip from my drink.

"If I'm not wrong are you perhaps Mr, Hyunjin Hwang's fiance?" He asked.

"Husband... actually" I replied. "Ahh I see I never knew Hyunjin had such great choice in picking a life partner" he said and made a impressive face.

I giggled a little. If only you know...

"Oh hello Mr yang" somebody said which I suppose is Hyunjin?

I turned my face around and saw Hyunjin. He placed his hand on my waist and pulled me.

"Hey Hyunjin, long time no see" Jeongin said and pulled his hand for him (Hyunjin) to shake it.

After shaking their hands they both gave each other scary smiles. Uh what is happening?

"Umm.. please excuse me" I said and excused myself. While I was going to the washroom I saw... seungmin!

"Oh my god, Felix?"

"Oh naur Seungmin!!"

We both said at the same time and hugged eachother. "Dude what are you doing here" I asked and broke the hug.

"Oh my dad is friends with the ceo so yeah he bought me with him for you know, and guess what after this I have a date with chan" he said and jumped.

"Wah I'm so happy for you!"

"Hmm you should be hahahhahaawaaaal"

"Stop it god"

"Anyways what are you doing here?"

"Oh well my dad forced me to come here because me and Hyunjin were invited and-"

"I know I know I get it, I'm so happy that we can talk here thought and you won't believe me how bored I was being here"

We both giggled and went to the table again and started chatting again. We both took a champagne but spilled tea.


"Hey babe" Hyunjin said. I side eyed him. I hummed. "I think we should get going it's already late night"

The words coming out of his mouth were like a blessing right now.

It was almost 10 and I was tired as fuck. I nodded my head aggressively and wisperedly yelled yes.

"Okay than let's go I already said that we are going so yeah" he said and grabbed my waist.

Once we got into the car I was so tired. I respect my back on the seat and stared outside the window.

Though it was dark the sky was pretty. So pretty that I took out my phone and took a picture of it.

"Are are you staring at?" I asked, side eyeing Hyunjin. "O-oh....nothing I was just uh..mm... zoning out yh" he replied and adjusted his head to the car window.

Once we got home I got out of the car with Hyunjin and started to enter the house.

And oh no...I tripped into one of the stair inside the house. "Are you alright?" Hyunjin said while holding my waist. To close!!

I turned all red and quickly backed off..."oh yeah I'm alright, thanks for asking tho" I quickly said and walked to my room completely ignoring Hyunjin.

After I got to my room I did my night routine and fell on the soft mattress.

I took the soft blanket and cuddled with my pillow. Ahh sweet bed.

I basically fell asleep with all the comfyness I gave a big yawn and boom.

"Ah fuck" the younger moaned. The older kept on removing every piece of cloth on their body while marking the blondes soft milky skin.

"S-slower please...ah" soon the male kept on thrusting in and out of the hole. "F-fuck your still so tight" the older chuckled.

The younger became a moaning mess. "Ah-ah fuck" soon moans were filled in the whole room.

Hehehe 😋 boring chapter but oh well the e-ending part- may you guys get your holy water because of this ending- istg I cringed.

anyways I love you guys 🥰

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