꒰ Kiss - 17 ꒱ ‎

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Felix shouldn't feel any jealousy because they both don't love eachother or that's what he thought.

Hyunjin saw the male staring at him. He smirked and rested his hand on her hips. Felix death glance for at her.

"Hey Felix.." changbin said to him giving a soft smile. He returned his smile and replied a hi.

They both started to talk and felix completely forgot about Hyunjin, or that's what he thought?

Hyunjin was basically side eyeing them. Like of course who's husband won't be jealous when their partners ex is talking with them?

He gave a heavy sighed and pushed her off his lap. "What the fuck dude!?" She reacted angrily.

"Sorry but u can go" Hyunjin replied and gane a eye roll. "I'm gonna use the washroom real quick" he said to himself.

He got up and dusted my clothes for no reason he could feel somebody glancing at his back. He turned around and saw Felix staring at him.

His face being red due to the drinks he had and of how hot Hyunjin looked.

He smirked and sat back down again. Felix quickly returned his face to changbin's direction as Hyunjin sat back down.

"Hey Felix" Hyunjin called out and placed a hand on his waist. Felix was quick to respond back and turned his head around.

Hyunjin's smirk grew wider as he grabbed Felix's wrist and pulled him. He placed Felix on his lap and held a drink.

"Want one?" Hyunjin said inocently yet seductively. Felix WASN'T a heavy drinker and the chances of him getting fainted was high.

He nodded and Hyunjin helped him drink it. Soon after some time Felix started to mumble.

Hyunjin got closer to his face to hear and the timing was so wrong...

Both Hyunjin and Felix turned their heads around each other at the same time which resulted in kissing.

It was more like a small peck on the lips than a kiss. Hyunjin's eyes widened.

Sure he wanted to kiss felix but no he doesn't wanted to take advantages of him while his drunk.

While for Felix he was completely sobber. He didn't knew what was happening and the kiss was nothing, it didn't affected him this time.

"Your drunk Felix, I think we should go home" Hyunjin said softly while caressing his cheek.

Felix being in a different fairy world just nodded his head. He placed Felix off his lap and got up.

He grabbed Felix's wrist and took him to wherever chan was.

"Hey Mr, chan" Hyunjin yelled to him. "Oh my is Felix okay?" He asked being shooked.

"He is fine but did you bought your car?" Hyunjin answered with a question. Chan nodded his head.

Hyunjin hummed and said "okay I'm going with Felix to our home please take the others by your car"

Hyunjin disappeared with Felix after saying that. Hyunjin was carefully taking him to the car and sat him on the passangers seat.

He tried to do his (felix) seat belt when suddenly Felix grabbed his face and pulled for a kiss.

Hyunjin tried to push him but instead got hit by the glass in front instead.

"Fuck" he wined and rubbed the injured part. Felix just started to giggle like crazy.

Hyunjin rolled his eyes dramatically and went to the drivers seat. No Hyunjin was not drink, he was a heavy drinker but if he alot than...

He started to drive. "Can I kiss you again?" Felix asked sleepyly. Hyunjin gave a big sigh and replied "for god's sake Felix your gonna regret this tomorrow"

Finally after minutes that felt like hour was done and they reached the mansion.

Hyunjin helped Felix to his room as he was full sobber. He carefully lead him to his room and opened the door.

He was surprised on how Felix's room was smelling like vanilla. His lips curved into a smile, no wonder why.

He sat Felix on his bed. "Do u need help to change your clothes?" Hyunjin asked.

Felix not knowing anything right now nodded. Hyunjin gave a sigh for the 8th time.

He opened his wardobe and searched for his night dress. After finding them he went back to felix and slowly started unbuttoning his shirt.

If somebody was walking by and saw them than it would look like they were about to have sex.

After finishing his shirt he slowly helped Felix to wear his shirt. The shirt was big almost like Hyunjin's shirt.

After finishing everything he was on his boxers and the big shirt. He quickly pulled up a new pair of sweatpants.

After he was done he gave a glass of water to Felix from the night stand. Felix drank the whole glass of water.

He felt cool, after all the alcohol felix drank. The water really helped. "You should sleep now, I'll tell the maid to make u some hangover soup when u wake up" he said.

Hyunjin thought for a moment and kissed his forehead. He smiled and was about to let go when felix grabbed his face and cupped them.

He quickly leaned in and kissed Hyunjin. The kiss was sweet and soft. It was the longest kiss they both had together.

Yeah the only long kiss was on their wedding. The kiss lasted for 3 minutes when suddenly Felix pulled away to caught some breath.

He giggled and pushed Hyunjin by his face. "Awh fuck" Hyunjin groan dramatically. He rubbed his face.

He suddenly touched his lips, he softly smiled. He soon went to his room to get changed.

He would be lying if he said he didn't enjoyed the kiss well for Felix, he would definitely regret this whole drunk situation...

sorry if you guys had to wait I'm just having a lot of new things in my life lately which I'm still processing like, my crush is flirting with me and getting angry when I mention others girls to him 🧍

welp, love you guys<33 the next chapter is gonna be updated shortly.

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