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"Katniss." Finnick waved the blue eyed girl over, when he saw her walk into district thirteen's cafeteria. He was out of his hospital room for the first time in days, trying and failing to put something into his stomach.

"Finnick," She nodded as she sat a metal tray on the table, and took a seat next to him. Her friend Gale sat on the other side of her, "it's good to see you out."

"I could say the same about you," His voice was quiet, and his eyes were locked onto the grey table in front of him, "how are you?"

"How are you?" She retorted.

"Got it." Finnick gave a half smile out of understanding.

"Katniss," Gale bud in. Finnick narrowed his eyes at the boy but, he couldn't reason with his disscontempt, so he kept his mouth shut. The brown haired boy pointed his eyes towards the food tray sat in front of Katniss, "you should eat something."

Her eyes flickered to his, but before she could refuse or agree, a familiar tune sounded, and everyone's gaze landed on the screen in the center of the room.

"Hello. Good evening, and a big welcome, to all of Panem," Finnick shut his eyes tightly at the sight of pink haired man, "I'm Caesar Flickerman, and whoever you are. Whatever you are doing. If you are working, put down your work. If you're having dinner, stop having dinner, because you are going to want to witness this tonight."

Katniss flicked her gaze to her former ally momentarily before setting her sight back on the live stream. She was chewing the skin of her thumb nervously, as her leg bounced up and down like a rubber ball.

"There has been rampant speculation of what really happened in the Quarter Quell, and here to shed a little light on the subject for us, is a very special guest," Finnick opened his eyes instantly, willing his heart to stay in his chest, instead of dropping to his stomach like it was fighting to, "please welcome: Mr Peeta Mellark."

Katniss let out a gasp, and Finnick fought the overwhelming urge to drop his head. He was alive. Peeta was alive. He watched the young girl raise out of her seat, and creep towards the screen, with Gale not far behind her.

"Peeta. A lot of people feel as though, they- are in the dark."

"Yeah uh- I know how they feel." Peeta said softly.

Caesar let out a soft chuckle, "Now. To set the stage for us, walk us through what really happened, on that final and controversial night-"

"Well first off, you have- you have to understand that when you're in the games, you only get one wish. It's very costly."

Finnick rubbed his face, trying to wake himself up. He came to the conclusion that he wasn't dreaming. He then stood to join his former ally, and her lifelong friend.

"He's alive." Katniss whispered.

"I can't believe it." Finnick rested his hand on his chin in curiosity of what could possibly happen next. He wasn't sure where it could go from here but, he fully understood that it wouldn't be good.

"It costs your life." Caesar nodded to the former tribute in front of him.

"It costs more than your life." Peeta corrected.

"How do you mean? What's more than your life-"

"Well, to murder innocent people," Caesar hummed in realization at Peeta's words, "it costs everything you are as a person. So, you- you- you hold on to that one wish, and that night, my one wish was to save Katniss."

Katniss let out a weak gasp.


Finnick bit his lip in anger at Caesar's agreement. His eyes narrowed at the way the privileged man could sit there, and act like he understood Peeta's perspective seamlessly. Like he knew what it was like.

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