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"Snow's in his mansion," Katniss concluded as she set the Holo in the middle of the coffee table and crouched down next to it, "where is that?"

The rest of the squad followed suit, so they could get a better look at the map displayed in front of them.

"That's us," Cressida pointed, "and that's the City Circle. It's at least...seventy, seventy-five blocks north?"

"Seventy-five blocks?" Finnick repeated worriedly.

"Uh huh."

"Nobody knows we're alive, this is our chance," Katniss gestured over the hologram map, "these buildings. Do these look over Snow's gardens?"


"They do." Peeta cut Cressida off, his tone firm, and matter of fact.

"If he goes outside at all, I could get a clear shot." The girl from twelve strategized.

"We're getting ahead of ourselves here," Jackson cut in, "whether they are looking for us or not, we are pinned down. Hit that button. Scan for pods."

Katniss followed the hard woman's instructions, signaling the map to light up in small red dots.

"Just about every ten steps." Holmes sighed defeatedly.

"Yeah, that doesn't even show the new ones." Gale shrugged.

"So we can't go anywhere in the streets." Finnick clicked his tongue sourly, his aurora changing from lightheartedness to defeat.

"And the rooftops are just as bad." Jackson added.

"Well there has to be something," Kaianna stepped in, "what are we gonna do just sit here and let everyone else do the work for us?"

"What if that's the only option?" Finnick argued harshly.

"Well then, let's find a new one," She said softly, "nothings ever gonna change if we just sit here and do nothing."

He took Kaianna's deeper meaning to heart, and it shut him up quickly.

The group sat silently for a moment before Pollux grabbed his older brother's arm, and signed something to him. Castor looked to the rest of the group, before filling them in.

"There might be another way."


"My brother knows these tunnels really well," Castor explained as he descended the latter, "he worked sanitation down here. Right after they made him an Avox."

Pollux crept in front of the group, and around the corner shakily, fear spilling off of him faster than the train running above them. The rest of the unit followed him slowly, and silently, scared to develop any unwanted attention. Castor stepped forward quickly, at the sound of his younger brother's panicked pants.

"Hey. You gonna be ok? Look at me- look at me," He placed a gentle hand on Pollux's shoulder out of comfort, "we're gonna get through this. I promise."

Kaianna involuntarily looked at Finnick, who already had his eyes on her.

"Hey," Brooke tugged her arm suddenly, grabbing her attention, "what's up with you two?"

"Nothing," Kaianna mumbled convincingly, "drop it."

"Yes mom." Brooke sent out a humorous salute, bringing a small grin to Kaianna's face.

They both looked forward at the sound of Pollux's footsteps.

"It took us five years to buy his way out of here," Castor's face darkened at the memory, "he didn't see the sun once."

Everyone followed Pollux's lead, Katniss staying the closest because she had the Holo. Each soldier stayed silent, and alert as they traveled through the dimly lit tunnels. The sudden sound of a train's approach sent them all reeling forward, in a rush to shield themselves from possible enemy eyes. They watched the steel car barrel past them, and continue down the tracks loudly, Katniss waiting a minute to peak around the corner.

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