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Her hazel-green eyes flew open at the voice, but she settled when she saw Finnick's sea green orbs staring back at her.

"What's wrong?" She said concerened.

"Nothing," He shrugged, "you just looked like you were having a bad dream."

"Oh." She sighed.

He inched in to the open space next to Kaianna, giving her the opportunity to rest her head on his shoulder, and close her eyes again.

"Oh look at you two." Brooke's voice caused him to jump.

He chuckled lightly to calm his heart race, "Vomit, I know."

"No, you guys are actually pretty cute," She giggled, "mother father material."

"What," Finnick shook his head, trying and failing to make the redness fade from his cheeks, "what the hell does that even mean?"

"It means I'm the biggest shipper of you guys," Brooke smiled widely, but became more genuine when she saw the way he looked at the woman that was now in his arms, "I mean seriously, just flipping kiss her already."

"I've tried, believe me."

The phrase came out under his breath, so it missed the girl's ears completely.

"What was that?" Brooke said suddenly.

Her words heightened Finnick's alertness, prompting him to look around him. The sound of a distant rumbling could be heard without any other noises coming into play. The man from four gave his blue eyed friend a look of concern as he listened closely.


Both Finnick, and Brooke snapped their gaze to the front of the line as Peeta spoke up loudly. Everyone started to wake up as the loud noise started to grow closer.

"What is that?" Jackson asked worriedly.

Peeta's face paled in realization, "We gotta go! We gotta get out of here now-"

"Keep your voice down." Gale said sternly.

"Mutts," Peeta said fearfully, "they released Mutts, come on!"

"Pollux, what's the quickest way out of here?" Katniss said frantically.

"Kai," Finnick grabbed Kaianna's bicep and pulled her up, startling her awake in the process, "we've got to move, come on."

"Come on," Jackson said firmly, "go! Go!"

Finnick put Kaianna in front of him in a rush.

"What's going on?" Kaianna said sternly.

"Mutts." Brooke responded shakily.

The group came to a quick stop, giving Gale the time to shine his light down the pitch black tunnel. He shot a flaming arrow out of his crossbow to give everyone better lighting. A few heads turned back at the sound of the now agonizing roars.Whatever was headed towards them was getting closer. Gale took over the lead, taking the group further down the tunnel.

It went on for what felt like hours but, was truly mere minutes. Gale stopping the group at each corner, and inspecting the next isle before leading them forward. Every so often he'd fire a flaming arrow to give himself more light. Pollux took the lead to direct the group to a narrow opening, that they each would have to take turns crawling through. Katniss watched nervously as Pollux disappeared around the corner on the other side, letting a deep breath of relief out when he returned to signal them forward.

Gale went through, followed by Katniss, who was followed by the rest of the squad one by one.

"You first." Kaianna pushed Brooke to go ahead of her.

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