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Everyone's heads snapped up towards the white doors, as Katniss wearily walked through them. The brunette glanced around the group, who were already scattered around the circular table, questioningly.

"What's this?" She finally squeaked out.

"The remaining victors," Coin said immediately, "won't you join us?"

The young mockingjay, hesitantly twisted on her heel, and found her spot at the table rather quickly, unknowingly permitting everyone to take their seats.

"I've invited you all here for several reasons but first, I have an announcement," Coin began confidently after everyone had sat down, "I have taken the burden and the honor of declaring myself interim President of Panem."

Haymitch was the first to respond, with a deep scoff, "Interim? Exactly how long is that interim?"

"We have no way of knowing for certain." Coin masked her words with a false sympathy, "but it's clear that people are far too emotional right now, to make a rational decision. We'll plan an election when the time is right."

"Great." Kaianna muttered lowly.

Coin sent her a pointed look before continuing, "I have called you here for a far more important vote. A symbolic vote."

Kaianna sent Finnick a worried glance, and he responded with an uneasy shrug.

"This afternoon, we will execute Snow," Coin continued, "hundreds of his accomplices also await their deaths. Capitol officials, peacekeepers, torturers, gamemakers but, the danger is, after we begin, the rebels will not stop calling for retribution. Thirst for blood is a difficult urge to satisfy. So, I offer and alternative plan. Majority of four may approve, no one may obstain."

The group sat silently, anxiously waiting for Coin to continue.

"The proposal is this: in lieu of these barbaric executions, we hold a symbolic Hunger Games."

Before anyone else had the opportunity to break the silence, Johanna was laughing manically.

"You wanna have another Hunger Games, with the Capitol's children?"

"You're joking." Peeta said boredly.

"Not in the slightest." Coin responded firmly.

Kaianna tugged her hands through her hair roughly, "Of course not. Why wouldn't that be your solution?"

Haymitch scoffed again, "Is this, Plutarch's idea?"

"It was mine," Coin shrugged proudly, "it balances the need for revenge, with the least loss of human life."

Kaianna was in awe, in the worst way. All they did, had seemed to be for nothing. Revenge. Nothing but revenge. But, was revenge always the answer? All most of the table wanted was justice, and safety. Bow things were getting out of hand, all over again.

"You may cast your votes-"

"No," Peeta cut Coin off sternly and without a single hesitation, "no, obviously not. This is crazy."

"I think it's more than fair, Snow's got a granddaughter," Johanna said in a sing-song tone, "I say 'yes'."

"So do I," Enobaria chimed in. Her ability to hold the grudge was surprising to some considering she had forgiven Kaianna's attempt on her life so easily. Although, each circumstance was different, "let them have a taste of it."

"You guys! This way of thinking is what started these uprisings." Peeta cried out.

"I'm with Peeta," Finnick mumbled, gazing towards Kaianna sadly, "no. It's what Mags would've chosen if she was here."

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