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"You're funny," Finnick laughed as he pointed his fork towards Katniss's little sister, "Katniss, why didn't you tell me that your sister is ten times funnier than you are?"

"She is not!" Katniss shook her head dramatically.

"Face it-"

Finnick's smile dropped when he noticed Boggs marching towards them. His change in demeanor, caused Katniss to turn around just in time.

"Katniss," He called, "you're wanted in command."

Boggs sent Prim a small smile before tilting his head for Katniss to follow him. The brunette stood from her seat, and gave her baby sister's cheeks a squeeze, before exchanging a look with Finnick. He understood her silent ask, and nodded in agreement, before standing up to follow her, comfortingly.

"Tonight, we've received reports of derailed trains, of granaries on fire, and a savage attack on the hydro electric dam in district five."

Finnick put his hand on the small of Katniss's back as soon as her broken gasp hit his ears. Peeta's appearance had gotten concerning. His sunken in cheeks, and eyes sent chills down Finnick's spine.

"What have they done to him?" She choked out.

"I'm sorry." Finnick mumbled, in a failed attempt to console the girl in front of him.

"I'm begging, for restraint, and decency-"

"Interrupt your, regularly scheduled horse manure, to bring you..." Beetee tapped a couple buttons, before switching a knob.

Katniss's gaze widened as the tv flickered. Peeta's image had now been replaced with the clip of her singing down by the lake. Finnick pursed his lips from nerves.

"That's it, that's our footage." Coin pointed to the tv with a small grin.

"Beetee's in." Plutarch clarified.

Within seconds, Peeta was flickering on and off the screen. While her voice kept singing behind it all.

"Katniss?" He whispered.

"He sees it," Coin said eagerly, "he sees our propo!"

"Katniss, are you there?" Peeta's voice was desperate, and pleading.

"Oh, Peeta." Katniss flew out of Finnick's grasp, and towards the screen.


"Peeta," Caesar's voice pulled the boy's attention off of the screen, "please continue. You were telling us about these savage attacks."

Peeta seemed to have a moment of realization, "The attack, on the dam, was a callous, and inhuman act, of distraction-"

Katniss's voice again interrupted the boy.

"Think about it," His words seemed like a hidden cry for help, "how will this end? What will be left? No one can survive this. No one is safe now. Not here in the capitol. Not in any of the districts."

Finnick tore his eyes off of the floor, and saw the tears in Peeta's eyes, and knew that for a second, it was him.

"They're coming Katniss," Peeta panicked quickly, "they're gonna kill everybody, and in district thirteen, you'll be dead by morning-"

The boys warning was cut off, by guards rushing to restraint him, and pull him away from the screen. Finnick turned around to walk away but, halted at the sound of another voice.

"Get off of him!"

His eyes snapped back to the screen, and even though he couldn't see her face, he knew exactly who it was.

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