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"How are you holding up?"

Finnick had to use everything in him to fight the battle of keeping a glare off of his face.

"Why does everyone keep asking me that," He scoffed, "is it really not obvious? Because, I thought I was shit at hiding it but, you'd think I was wrong, wouldn't you?"

"Hiding it," The girl smiled sympathetically, "you mean by trying to kill one of the only people who understands what you've gone through? Sure, that sounds like hiding it perfectly to me."

She had towhead waves, that reached the middle of her back. Her crystal blue eyes, complimented her golden skin. She was thin, yet muscular. and definitely well nourished.

He cracked a small grin, "You have a sense of humor. Who let you in here?"

"I'm training to be a medic," She nodded softly, "when I'm not training for combat."

"You're training to fight," He mumbled, almost in awe. His curiosity heightened when she gave him another nod, "but, you look- really young."

She was tall, but young. He didn't believe she was past twenty.

"I'm older than fourteen," She responded jokingly, "that's how old you are when you won your first games, right?"

"The youngest ever," He declared mockingly, scrunching his face at the burning feelig the words sent to his mouth. Finnick's face softened when she gave him another soft smile, "seriously though, who are you?"

"My name's Brooke Martin," She shrugged, "and I'm seventeen. Now, as much fun as this chat has been they've sent me in to administer your meds."

"What do I need meds for? I'm fine-"

"Finnick," It was Brooke's turn to scoff, "you had a breakdown."

"I wasn't trying to kill her, by the way," Finnick defended hesitantly, "I was just- out of it."

He let his eyes drift to the wall to the side of him while she connected the IV, wincing when the sharp end pierced his skin, and recollecting his memory.

"Katniss," His teary eyes were panicky and flickering every which way as he called for the girl. His face softened when they made eye contact, "Katniss are you-"

"Go away." She muttered.

"I know you're upset-"

"Go away Finnick," Katniss jumped out of her bed, and raced towards the man, grabbing him by the collar of his gown, "you didn't save him! You said you were going to save him!"

"I- I'm sorry Katniss," He cried out. He should've been able to push her off of him but, he was too weak, "I'm so sorry that I couldn't-"

He didn't want to put up a fight, and even if he did he didn't have it in him. So, she backed him into the corner with ease.

"This," Katniss shoved him backwards against the wall, and pressed herself up into his face, "Peeta is gone because of you! This is all of your fault! He's gonna die in there! They're all gonna die in there, and it's because of you!"

All it takes to flip a switch, is one small motion.

"My fault," He muttered weakly, "my fault?"

Her words were a venom. Flowing through his ears, and into his bloodstream, tainting him. Possessing him.

When Finnick's eyes snapped to Katniss, he could barely make out her features from the red tint. Within seconds, a rage-induced strength overpowered the man, and roles had reversed. Now it was Finnick who was in control.

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