Chapter 18: Story time Sera time

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I hop off my bike and Sera hands me back my helmet, setting it on the bike.

Sera: Come on! let's find a spot!

Y/N: Hey, we're in no rush...

She takes my hand again and walks with me to a secluded spot on the other side of the park, right next to the pond, but not too close.

She sits under a tree and pats down next to her.

I sit under the tree with her, and there's something about nature that's so... soothing... the pond and the birds chirping is surreal.

Sera: Fuck... it's so nice to get out of the city... or at least, to a calmer part.

Y/N: Yeah, from the bussing city of Piltover to the crackhead screams of Zaun, it can really wear you down...

Sera giggles a little bit,

Sera: Couldn't have said it better myself... you got quite the mouth Y/N.

Y/N: Oh thanks, yeah, I think I work my tongue pretty good.

Sera: Oh! Ewwww! You're disgusting!

Sera laughs some more... then it hits...

She looks at me in the eyes, blushing a little, her breathing gets a little heavy.

I'd be lying if my breathing wasn't in rhythm with hers, I brush some of the hair back so I could get a better look at her face, she does the same to me...

Sera: Uh... this is happening...

Y/N: Yeah...

We kiss for the second time, albeit more intimate than last time, nobody is around to stop us.

Sera: You're such a good kisser, Y/N.

Y/N: You give me something to practice on, love you Seraphine.

Sera: Love you too, Y/N...

I move my hand from her neck down to her hip, she grabs my hand and moves it back up.

Sera: Not yet honey... not yet...

Y/N: Awww...

Smooch, Sera kisses me some more, guess this is as far as we're going, so I better enjoy it...

I feel her wrap her arms around me, I follow her by doing the same, grabbing clumps of her long hair.

The warmth of our bodies pressing against each other just makes the scene perfect, I can tell she's enjoying it, the soft moans coming from her kisses say it so.

I hear some little feet running behind, followed by a...

Little kid: Woah... look at those two getting it!

Other kid whispers: Annie! Not so loud.

Sera and I pull back, she hugs me.

Sera whispers: There's kids watching...

Y/N whispers: I know. Want me to do something?

Sera whispers: Pretty please...

I inhale, oh I'm such an asshole, Sera lets go of me.

I quickly turn to the kids...

Y/N: RAAAAAH! I'm gonna eat you! RAAAAAH!

The kids with animal ears scamper away, screaming for dear life.

Sera: Y/N! Come on... not a fan of kids?

Y/N: Not quite, not since the kids outside Last Drop in Zaun tried to kill me, they ran when I meant business but still, bad experience with those little rodents.

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