Lyra Lani

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"Of course, you may!" Polly slid the other two leather medallions face down on the table across toward me. Barely pausing from the one she worked on.

Marta smiled at me softly and nodded toward them. "Have a look. I think you'll be impressed. Polly is quite exceptional."

I flipped them over and leaned to expect them in the dimness of the hut.

Lyra Lani lifted the candle closer to me so I could see them better.

I gasped, impressed. "Polly!"

It was a beaming likeness of me. Down to the curve of my hair along my shoulders and my long lashes framing my eyes. But she'd somehow made me seem brighter. Like a bit of smiling light carved into the leather.

Polly finally looked up to smile. "You like them?"

"Love them!"

"May I see?" Lyra Lani held out a delicate hand.

"Of course!" I proudly put a medallion in her palm so she could have a look as I admired the detail in the other.

Lyra Lani's brows shut up in surprise.

"Quite well done." She gave Polly a quick glance. "An incredible likeness."

I found myself beaming so hard it probably appeared a grimace. I tamed myself and tucked my hands into my lap. Reminding myself how Lyra Lani always appeared a lady of the highest caliber and may not be impressed by my over-exuberance.

But when my eyes flitted to her, she was returning my bright grin.

"For your mates, I suspect?" She queried.

"I wanted to give them a gift for all they've done for me."

"Even after the roughness of the Mating Moon?" Her

gaze fell to her hands in her lap as she murmured the question and I wondered if somehow, her Mating Moon had proven rougher than mine.

I remembered the tales I'd heard of Draven's brutality and felt a momentary flash of resentment toward him. Wondering how he could've hurt such a kind she-wolf.

"I've learned that they've done much for me since and before then. They were taking care of me in ways I hadn't even realized. Traded clothes for me, hunted for me. Made sure that Draven wouldn't have me put down for some of my behaviors." My voice fell some.

Lyra Lani's head shot up. "He's not as bad as they say, you know?"

My brows shot up. Making me feel somewhat more hopeful. "He's not?"

"No." She smiled faintly as she shook her

head. Plucking at a callous on the inside of her palm thoughtfully. "Don't tell any of the males, but he's much kinder than they think. I don't believe he'd have ever let you be put down. But as the king of wolves, sometimes he must seem more dreadful than his heart truly is."

I was shocked to hear someone speak so kindly of the ruthless Alpha. It gave me sudden courage. "Could I talk to you alone a moment, Lyra Lani?"

I was hopeful now that perhaps she could sway her mate in my favor. I held my breath waiting for an answer.

"Of course." She rose from the table to walk to a far corner of the hut.

Lyra Lani pressed a finger to her lips to remind me to speak softly. Then she pointed at the tiny bed near us where Marta's husband slept rather heavily. She straightened and wrapped her hands together before her.

"Now, what is it?"

"I need your help." I blurted. Taking her hands without realizing I had no place touching an alpha's mate.


I bit my lip wondering if I'd been too impulsive but instead of ripping her hands away, she turned them to clutch mine.

"What's wrong, Vanna Rae?" She asked worriedly.

"I've remembered some of my past."

She leaned forward nearly breathless to

whisper urgently. "Tell me!"

"I-I..." I decided to omit that I'd once been a pack princess, for fear that Lyra Lani might see it as a challenge. "My family was killed in-front of me by NightHunters."

Her face showed deep sympathy and she reached out to pet my hair around my ear. "You poor thing. No wonder you didn't remember such a horrible thing."

"I fled and fell and hit my head." I further explained. "That's when I lost my memories, I think."

"Vanna Rae!" She pulled me in close and wrapped me in a tight hug. "How dreadful! What can I do to help?"

I eased back from her nearly ashamed of taking advantage of her kindness. "I-I want revenge, Lyra Lani."

Her brows shot up. "That sounds horribly dangerous, Vanna!"

"I know." I admitted. Biting my lip. "But I have three very dangerous mates."

Lyra Lani hesitated. Letting her arms slip down mine to squeeze my hands reassuringly. Her expression relaxed and she gave a grudging head tilt. "That is true. They are ferocious beasts."

I drew a long breath trying to gain courage.

"What is it?"

"I need Draven to give them permission to

help me hunt down the NightHunters." I dumbed down what I was really asking. Implying I only wanted vengeance on the ones that'd harmed me.

But really, I'm going after them all...

Lyra Lani winced, and her hands fell. "You want me to persuade him to give you permission."

I felt suddenly bereft at the absence of her comforting touch. Like I'd betrayed her for asking.

"I-I need his permission to let me, and my mates go after my vengeance."

"You want him to release three of his fiercest Border Guards and one of the only breedables in the camp to go on a mission of vengeance that doesn't benefit the pack?" She eyed me askance. Making clear what she suspected his answer would be.

I felt nearly as if I were hearing his words from her mouth. It sounded very much like something he'd say.

I chewed my lip eyeing her. "Is it too much to ask."

"Yes." She nodded, gaze falling before rising to level on me. "But I shall ask him. Though I can't promise you, you'll get the answer you hope for. I hold very little persuasion over him. And he is a formidable alpha."

The Pack Girl's Retribution (Sequel to The Pack's Girl)Where stories live. Discover now