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The way the two men were talking and looking at me, made me uncomfortable.

They know something we don't.

They were staring at me as if they knew me.

I didn't like it. "I think we best get back to Vanquish."

"Yes." Hunter cleared his throat. "His hurt leg."

"He needs help getting back to the hut. I'll take you to him." I said quickly. Looking at the two men.

"She's afraid of us." Hawk said from behind Magus. "That's fine. She'll come around. I need to get back to the shack anyway.

He turned away but Magus caught his arm and gave him a stern look.

"I need to check on her." Hawk emphasized.


Her? Who was he talking about? For a brief moment, I hoped it might be my sister. Or someone I had known before.

I grabbed Hunter's arm and began tugging him back through the trees toward the Asara Wall.

Hunter fell into pace with me. Not fighting my grip, he put a hand over mine and we walked arm in arm like worried lovers.

Which we were. To an extent.

We arrived at the door and Hunter cracked it. Knowing that if another Border Guard caught us coming in it would be just as dangerous as if they'd caught us trying to leave.

Hunter peered through the crack and established that there were no guards to the West. We stepped inside. Him tugging me in just behind him. He turned to examine East and came face to face with his brother.

Vanquish leaned around him to eye me. "Care to tell me where you've been?"

He leaned back to level a look on his brother. "And why the devil you would risk going beyond the wall when the Alpha hasn't yet blessed us to do so?"

Uh-oh. The look on Vanquish's face was pure wrath.


Before either of us could answer, Vanquish reached around Hunter and yanked me loose from him. Jerking me around to yank me up against him.

"What were you thinking?" He growled. "If Draven had caught you, you'd be dead already."

"She just wanted to-"

"Don't even!" Vanquish lifted a staying finger. "What were you thinking?"

"He didn't-" I started, trying to defend Hunter. "I-I went after him..."

"Why would you do that?" His head whipped back to me, and my courage instantly dissipated as he caught my shoulder just above my collar. Perilously close to my neck which was obviously what he was itching to grip.

"I have to know where they are."

Vanquish slammed me against the wall. His thumb biting into the tender area below my collar viciously. "One thing you seemed to be forgetting is that this body," He dragged his eyes down my length pointedly. "is not entirely yours anymore. And if you harm it, I swear I'll make sure you have hell to pay."


His growl was so dangerous that I found myself whining and cowering under his withering look. Vanquish rarely took such a tone with me anymore.

He sure as hell is now.

"Come with me." He yanked my arm and jerked me off the wall. Rage emanating from him in tidal waves.

Magus had apparently entered through the door behind us. "He sure looks fit as rain now."

Shit. Now he knows I was lying about Vanquish.

I looked over my shoulder to cast Hunter an apologetic look.

His brow was knitted, and it was clear he was debating challenging his brother for running off with his prize.

I had promised that if he found my house, I would reward him well.

When we were near the river, Vanquish turned me and pushed my back to the wide tree near the bridge.

"What have you done. I've tried being kind with you. Tried to be gentle. But you..." His eyes flared yellow, and it was clear that his beast was near to raging loose.

He wants to dominate my she-wolf. I swallowed. Having seen this look on him before.

Under the Mating Moon.


"Vanquish?" I thought to reason with him.

"No." He ripped my dress. As simple as grabbing near my shoulders and shredding the dress straight down the center. Rending the fabric as if it were no more than parchment. Baring my shoulders, breasts and belly. Growling, he dropped his face between them and started roughly nipping at me.

I reached up to push him away. Somewhat afraid of his violence.

He caught both my forearms and folded them down to my side. Lowering enough to take my nipple between his teeth in a vicious bite.

I hissed through my teeth in pain. Knowing that crying out wouldn't stop him now. He's enraged.

I was panting heavily. Somewhere between afraid and excited.

He growled through his teeth. My nipple still firmly latched there. "You're wetting already and I'm going to take you. Like the traitorous little she-wolf you've been this morning. Stuff you full until you whimper for me to stop. Then I'm only going to have you harder. Rut you like a bitch."


Yes. He's furious.

He popped my nipple out of his mouth. And caught my undergarments along my waist. Jerking them free and roughly pulling them down over my legs. Until I was bare before him.

"Better." He nodded in satisfaction before catching me behind one knee and my lower back to turn me and toss me beneath him on the leaves and twigs.

One jabbed me in my back, and I arched up to escape them. Thrusting my breasts high and making them bounce at my sudden movement.

He was assessing every inch of me as though he'd consume me whole. "I'm going to make you bend like that while I'm inside you."

"Vanquish, I need you to calm down. Please..."

"Don't say please to me now."

He dropped to his knees before me. Catching my hips, he roughly rotated me onto my belly then back onto my knees.

He really is going to rut me like an animal. I grimaced.


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