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After a night where I found it almost impossible to sleep, I caught Hunter by the hand and quickly led him down to the creek.

He blinked blearily. "You do know I guarded the Border most of the night? Than when I did finally sleep, we woke up to find out you were out. So, I've hardly slept. And now you drag me out at barely first light?"

I tugged him behind me while he walked on leaden feet. "Stop your complaining and walk faster."

"Why?" He asked warily.

"Because I made you a promise." I said laughingly.

His dark brows shot up and he straightened. Scampering more quickly behind me.

We reached the edge of the creek, and he gave me a suspicious look.

I gestured toward the water.

"That's going to be cold as ice, you know that right?"

I smiled and nodded smugly.

He stripped off his clothes and looked from me to the water. Giving the water a disdainful look. Then glancing back at me.

I nodded toward the water with my chin. "In."

He shook his head as if in disbelief at his own actions as he began wading in reluctantly. Drawing quick breaths of air to combat the cold.

"You're such...a...b-Whoo!" He gasped at the frozen chill of it.

My laughter cut him off.

He turned slowly in the waste deep water, afraid to go up to his chest. "And exactly what is the purpose of this exercise?"

But by the time he rounded to face me, I'd stripped off my dress and bounded toward him. Diving in the water with a huge slosh.

He gave a shout of objection and tried to shield himself. Growling as he snatched me up. "Wench!"

I gave him a playful grin.

"You're the worst kind of she-wolf?"

"Playful?" I offered.

He blinked slowly. Lashes dropping and his face abruptly sobering. "Irresistible."

"Am I?"

"Don't tease me, Vanna." But the hint of a smile hovered around his mouth and his eyes were bright with interest as I slinked toward him.

"Oh, no Sweetheart. If this is to be my time, it'll be my way."



His meaning would be made painfully clear to me very soon. He caught me to his chest. My soft body molding to his harder one. Reminding me that every inch of my sexy mates was made of wrought iron.

I could already feel his steely hardness pressed against my pelvis.

He hauled me from the water as if I weighed little more than a bird. My feet were several inches off the ground. He deposited me next to my clothes. Catching up his tunic he began tearing it in long strips.

I watched the process warily. Half excited and half apprehensive. "What are you doing?'

He looked over his shoulder and said sternly. "My way."

I chewed my cheek. Trying hard not ask more questions despite my desperate need to know what he was up to.

"You'll be fine." He reassured. Ripping another long strip. "You don't have to be in control of everything."

"Not sure I like where this is going."

But I wasn't sure I didn't either... Wasn't going to tell him that though.

Finally, he collected the scraps that looked so much like the original bindings I had tied around my waist to make me look thicker and caught my arm. Turning me toward the darker parts of the woods.

I glanced around, realizing that I should've been worried about someone stumbling upon us. Hadn't I, myself caught Samantha and Jaecar in the midst of lovemaking?

I saw no one and heard nothing. But it doesn't mean someone is not out there. Getting small thrills from watching what he's about to do to me.

What if it's Vanquish? Or Racer?

Would they be jealous or intrigued by watching. That thought was somewhat arousing.

Hunter walked me to a wide tree and tied a few of the strips of cloth together then wound them several times over my wrist and the back of my hand. Tugging me toward the tree.

I was a little surprised when he lightly pushed my back. Urging me forward until my cheek rested along the side of the trunk. I drew a long breath. "What if someone..."

"That's part of the fun, isn't it?" He whispered near my ear. "The possibility that someone could watch us while I'm inside you? Wouldn't that be intriguing."


"Don't pretend you don't like the thrill of it, Vanna. I saw your nipples getting hard just heading for the tree."


I chewed my cheek, defending. "It's breezy."

"No, it's not. No wind." He lifted a hand and looked around meaningfully.

He was right. It was a warm day, and the sun was bright on us and everything was already so heated that the dew had melted away.

Especially me. I was getting hotter by the minute.

"What are you going to do Hunter?"

"Wait and see."

He bound my arms around the tree, with my face against it. The bark was sharp against my chest and smashed breasts. He guided my feet apart and bound them around the tree as well, so I was completely pinned to it.

My opening exposed for the taking. The summer air already breathing along my crease invitingly. I groaned aloud.

"See..." He murmured. "Told you, you'd like it."

He'd stretched my legs far enough around the wide trunk that I was lowered enough that when he stepped close, his cock already skimmed along my creese and slipped between my thighs to dip forward.

Hard and ready to be inside me. I chewed my lip harder. Trying to stifle a moan.

"Now remember, Vanna Rae..." He stroked a hand down the curve of my back as he lowered slowly behind me. "Keep it down so someone doesn't come see you..."

He's going to make that hard to do. I could already tell that was the point of this little game. To make me scream.

I drew a steadying breath and before I could do much more his hands framed the outside of my hips, and I felt his mouth curving up toward my slit and raking his tongue along the tender lips and easing toward the opening in tiny swirls.

I clenched my fingers and tried to tug at the bindings but found they were relentless. Unforgiving.

He delved his tongue inside me, and I jerked upward. Scratching the front of my body on rough bark.

I threw my head back and bit back the noises that were already pressing through my throat. I felt his mobile mouth working against me. His tongue flitting in and out while I was held completely motionless.

His for the taking.

Just when I was about to burst with the pleasure he changed the angle. Licking upward and coming around back. Tracing my ass cheeks with his thumbs in tiny caresses. Then he pulled them open and dipped his tongue into my back entrance. Making me lurch forward and struggle against the ties again.

He paused. "What are you doing, Vanna Rae? You're not going anywhere, Sweetheart. What's mine is mine. And right now...You're entirely mine. Now...Scream for me."

The Pack Girl's Retribution (Sequel to The Pack's Girl)Where stories live. Discover now