Confiding in One

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"What did you see?"

"Two little brothers. Their throats cut and their blood showered on me." I couldn't help rubbing hair from my face and wiping at my neck and chest as the memory consumed me. Making me feel as though I needed to wash it away now.

But looking at my hand I found what I already knew. There's nothing there.

But it felt so real. I could still feel the heat and texture of it on my skin. Catch the coppery scent of the ones I loved soaking into my clothes. I was sickened and suddenly felt the need to twist sideways and vomit into the grass.

"The blood you were covered in when you came into our territory." He filled in. Glancing at me with wide green eyes. Shocked by my reaction.

He went to the river and scooped a handful of water which he brought back to me and guided between my lips. I held my hair back and swished it around before spitting it out. He pulled a few flowers from one of the nearby bushes. "Chew on these. It'll help cleanse your mouth."

I obeyed him. Trusting him completely, for whatever reason.

"This has you truly disturbed, doesn't it?" He asked in a soft voice. As he put his back to the tree and slid back down next to me. Handing me more flowers as I chewed them. Feeling them absorbing the acidic taste in my mouth.

Washing me clean.

"It makes me angry!" I said with more passionate feeling then even I had expected. "I want to kill them all."

"Do you know who they are?"

I nodded slowly. "NightHunters...And their alpha."

Vanquish sucked air in through their teeth. "The

biggest pack in the country."

"I know." I said solemnly.

"What did your pack do to wrong them?"

"Nothing." I said bitterly. "He was just collecting packs in the smaller villages when he wanted to grow numbers."

"So, he killed the alpha?"

"Yes..." I croaked. My throat tightening. "And then demanded to marry the alpha's daughter to make the pack comply."

Vanquish gave me a long study. "Were you the alpha princess?"


"I'm sorry you're aching, Vanna Rae." Vanquish said so softly that I couldn't deny the sincerity in his voice.

"I'm not. I'm furious!" I snapped. Rolling towards him.

He startled and reared back enough he bounced his head against the trunk and winced. Rubbing it briskly with the back of his hand.

But I had already lifted my skirts and straddled his legs. "Take me to the water, Van."

"The river?" He frowned. "It's going to be ice cold."

"Why did you come out here?" I snapped.

"Because I knew you'd send Hunter away like a pup you'd finished with, and I didn't want you alone out here in the dark. Especially not while your mind is busy processing whatever you're going through."

"You thought I could easily be made prey."

"Well, yeah..." He grudgingly admitted. Shrugging as he continued rubbing the back of his head in circular motions.

"Then I suggest you get in the water with me. Before I

strip down alone and crawl into that icy cold water. With my mind so intent on the visions I'd been having, and I wash my body...All naked and vulnerable for another male to wander upon."

"Best not." Vanquish growled up at me. His eyes flaring yellow at the prospect. "You're a marked female. If they touch you, I'll rip their hand off and shove it down their throat."

"Then I suggest you get in the water and protect me." I gave him my best pouting face. Both of us knowing I was artfully manipulating his concern and jealousy.

"Damn you, you are conniving woman." He stuck his hand in mine and I hefted him up.

Eyeing his tall frame in the long brown tunic over his black breeches and black boots. His tunic was worn thin enough in some spots that I could see his brown collarbone peering through and the muscles of his opposite shoulder. It laid flat against the planes of his chest. Wrinkling slightly where it lay between his pectoral muscles. Making his shoulders seem wider silhouetted in the dark woods as he was.

Yellow eyes glowing as he stared down at me.

Looking every inch, the predator. No wonder so many of the other males fear him. I could see how he'd be a formidable adversary.

"Now, wash me, Mate." I took his hand, and I skipped backward toward the river. Dragging him with me.

He groaned dramatically and tossed his head, mimicking a form of whine. "So cold..."

"You hush." I pulled my dress over my head and grabbed a handful of soapweed. Backing into the water and handing him the bit of weeds.

"If I strip you down and wash your flesh, I'm going to take you." Vanquish warned.

"I'm aware." I peered up at him from beneath hooded eyes. "I know what manner of male you are."

An aggressive one. Filled with the need to mate...Me. 

The Pack Girl's Retribution (Sequel to The Pack's Girl)Where stories live. Discover now