Leaving Me

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Jaecar helped Samantha out of the water and into a filmy yellow summer dress.

I turned away since neither of them seemed bother by their nudity. Being mated suited them.

I'd never seen Samantha seem so confident.

Soon they were chatting and elbowing each other playfully.

Jaecar stepped behind her and tenderly twisted her hair to wring out some of the dampness for her.

"Thank you." She peered at him over her shoulder.

"You're most welcome." He massaged her shoulders. "Now, let's go find some critters for you to sketch."

He collected her drawing book from a stand of trees and held it up to show her.

She caught his arm, and they wandered off into the trees. Looking so happy I wondered if they might take off skipping.

Well, they seem to be working out well.

I knelt next to the cool water and began sloshing my face. Glimpsing some small fish toward the bottom, I paused to watch them thoughtfully.

"What ugly thoughts have such a pretty face looking so miserable?"

I knew before I turned that it was Vanquish. I spotted him leaning against a tree. His arms and ankles crossed as though he'd been watching me awhile. I wondered if he was the reason Samantha and Jaecar had scampered off so fast.

"Not really ugly. Just frustrating."

"What?" He walked over to crouch next to the river beside me. Twisting to look at me.

"More dreams I can't explain. More hints I can't fully understand. More pieces that don't fit my puzzle."

"It'll all come together." He reassured. "The more you

want it, the more you press it, the less it'll come."

"Then what do I do?" I tossed my hands in frustration and dropped backward onto my butt.

"Let me help you."


"Here." He sat back and stretched his legs out toward the water. Watching bits of sunlight dancing across the green tinted surface. He patted his thigh welcomingly. "Lay down."

I turned my back to his side and laid back to rest my head on his thigh.

"Relax. Let things flow." He began tracing a fingertip over my brows and down the length of my nose.

It was such an oddly soothing gesture that I quickly found myself going limp. Feeling the mounds of hard earth and twigs under my back. Feeling where my shoulder blades and hips jutted into the softer bits of dirt. I felt my own heart beats thudding dully in my chest.

Everything became blinding color over me, and my eyelids became so heavy it felt impossible to keep them open.

"Let your mind wander. Reach out for strings of memories. Draw them in and follow where they lead instead of trying to yank them back. Walk softly, tread in their direction and let your mind lead you." His voice was soft and rumbling and made my body feel like it was floating as I relaxed into a strange state of being where everything was more vibrant, more beautiful.

His touch seemed to give me focus.


And to my surprise, I was soon back to the same day where my dream had taken me. But it was now late afternoon.

Killian, Aviari and BailaLae each had burlap sacks

filled with their things.

Killian carried his and hers.

They were all three next to the door.

Me and my littler brothers swarmed them. Crying and clinging to them.

I, especially, held onto Killian. "Please don't leave us. What if I never see you again if you go."

"Come on, Vanna Rae!" He gave me a half smile but even as young as I was, I could tell it didn't quite reach his eyes. "I'll make it back to you one way or another."

"Will you be back when the NightHunters are gone?" I peered up at him. Blinking back tears in blue eyes as vibrant as his.

"No." He shook his head solemnly. "I wish I could be, but I'm going to have to go away for a while."

"Why!" I stomped a foot.

"Because dad says so."

"Why!" I sobbed.

"I don't know, Vanna Rae." He said forlornly. Giving me a helpless look. "But he knows what he's doing. And he's our Alpha so we do what he says."

"Can't you be Alpha and we do what you say? Then you say, you're coming home!" I pleaded. Hanging onto his shirt as though he'd have to leave with me still hanging onto him.

"One day I will be, Vanna Rae. And I will come back."

"What if I'm gone by then?"

"Then I'll find you."

Aviari hugged me next. By now my eyes were dumping tears.

"Viar, don't let him go." I whispered. Casting Killian a yearning look.

Aviari smiled sadly in response.

"If I had my way, neither of us would be going." He

whispered to me conspiratorially. "I'd rather be here with you then being sent off by myself."

"By yourself?" I blinked horrified eyes. My jaw gaping.

"Yes, Sweetheart." He crouched before me. Holding my itty-bitty waist so he could get my full focus. "Dad needs us to go to different places in-case the NightHunters are trying to shut down dad's line."

"Then why don't we have to go?" I argued. Sobbing so hard again that I couldn't see through my blurred gaze.

"Because you three are too little yet and need to stay with mom." He cast mom a look.

She returned it from where she stood near the stairs. Her hand clutching the railing in a white knuckled grip. Her lips were curved in a sweet smile, but I could see it shook at the corners.

"But I need you to look after Tomas and Alex."

"But Tommy and Alex don't care what I say!" I objected.

"But you're still their big sister." Aviari pointed a finger to my chest. "And you're the toughest girl I know. So, I know you'll keep them safe. Promise?"

He's trying to give me a purpose in staying. I knew what he was doing but I could never deny he or Killian anything.

I nodded sadly. 

The Pack Girl's Retribution (Sequel to The Pack's Girl)Where stories live. Discover now